Should Odinet lose her job.

This statement may need a little clarification, if I misinterpret what you are posting, but on it's face: YES!

If a Judge cannot put aside race when making decisions in cases without any legal principle involving the races of the parties, then the person ought not to be a Judge and should be removed either by voters or a judicial tribunal established for the monitoring of Judges in that jurisdiction. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Thanks for the civil answer but my question was actually directed to Winn who said? Just move the case to another judge.
Hence the "complication" that NoirMan says isn't that comlicated. Blacks can use the word to insult and be cordial, you just have to figure out the intent which may not always be so clear.

The solution? If you want White people to stop using the word, maybe Blacks should stop it too. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I believe I acknowledged that no one should use it. However,, I don’t think the intent when used is that hard to discern. I can say honestly that when I’m angry at white people my instinct isn’t to go calling them racist names or have racist epithet running through my mind. Same with blacks, Asians or Hispanics. If that’s where your mind goes, maybe you have some racism in you (not directed to HF, speaking generally). To claim “well I was angry” is definitely a bullshit excuse.

A lawyer I know whose about my age is black and married to a white woman. He recently recounted how he’s used the word regularly (he says it’s a result of his small town upbringing in the back woods of central Louisiana) and his kids who are preteens started using it as well. The wife went ballistic (he says he’s never in 14 years heard her use the word even when listening to rap music) after she was fed up, having told him on numerous occasions that she didn’t believe he should say it, regardless of his blackness. He stated that he finally got it. Realizing that no matter the situation, she has not done it and abhors it’s use. We should all hope to get to that point.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Thats a good wife!

LexusLover's Avatar
Just move the case to another judge. Originally Posted by NoirMan
That solution is generally reserved for less offensive attitudes, and may be appropriate for the moment to keep the case moving forward, but immediately followed after the transfer with "oversight" proceedings focused on the Judge, ....

.... who by the way, took an OATH when sworn to be a Judge.

In an atmosphere of "defunding the police" based on allegations of racially oriented policing, it seems it would be clearly in order given the current political and social attitudes against "racism"! Our government should exist to protect all persons' rights and privileges ... that's what the judiciary does.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess the only solution is what the liberals want---- segregation. Yep, that's the answer from the libs, complete separation of the races. Black companies for black people, black cops for black people, black judges for black people, and black politicians for black people. The only way to accomplish this liberal dream is----wait for it----black states for black people. So everyone get your asses moving to the state selected by Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi for you. Later, they'll have Hispanic states, Asian states, and (for Chuck Schumer) Jewish states. They might even throw in a Muslim state for Talib and her bunch. The only people that get screwed are the Native Americans as they have already been screwed before and casinos are not portable.

So let me ask you all....which states should go to which people?
LexusLover's Avatar
Did anyone hear the DementedFool in the WH explaining to a group of so-called educated people the difference between White small business owners and Black small business owners?

... the Blacks do not have LAWYERS!!!!

Kumola is a LAWYER!

There goes his excuse for not being even a marginal WHITE President!
adav8s28's Avatar
Some on this forum have stated over and over that racism doesn’t exist in America. Some have said the only racism is against whites. Some have declared the true racists to be blacks and democrats. Some have even decried The existence of systemic racism.

Well in Louisiana we’ve had two female judges caught using racial epithets, namely aimed at black people. The same race of folks that have to come to their courts in search of justice and fair treatment.

Most recently, Judge Odinet, in Lafayette City Court and before her Judge LeBlanc (who resigned) came under fire for their use of language.

Simple question, should they lose their position as judges for saying something racist all while claiming they have no racist views? Originally Posted by NoirMan
Her son was removed from the track and field team at LSU. Just saying.

I think a suspension without pay for at least three months would work. Forced attendance at a diversity training class should be required as well.
adav8s28's Avatar

The solution? If you want White people to stop using the word, maybe Blacks should stop it too. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
When black rappers use the word in their music they are not comparing people to roaches like the judge.

The civil war ended 160 years ago. Not much has changed in the deep south.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Her son was removed from the track and field team at LSU. Just saying.

I think a suspension without pay for at least three months would work. Forced attendance at a diversity training class should be required as well. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Just sayin what? That children should pay for what they're parents do? What an idiot.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
When black rappers use the word in their music they are not comparing people to roaches like the judge.

The civil war ended 160 years ago. Not much has changed in the deep south. Originally Posted by adav8s28
There's a yuge difference. The democrats moved the southern pre-civil war feelings to the major cities of the north. Black people are not real people. They are roaches to be killed and used as pawns to advance the liberal agenda. That's your difference but democrats have remained the same.
adav8s28's Avatar
Just sayin what? That children should pay for what they're parents do? What an idiot. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
The kid that was removed from the LSU track and field team was using the word just like his mom. The only difference, the son was not sedated.
Old Barleycorn or real Barleycorn, you're still clueless.
winn dixie's Avatar
I think the justice system when it comes to judges can't be about race. Everyone Everyone knows this word shouldn't be used. It is a racist word that was used against blacks to degrade them when there ancestors where in slavery. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to prove this there are racist still alive there alot of racist on this board. It's just the truth but if she wants to be racist she has enough money to start her own practice and be a defense lawyer or chase ambulance. She should not be a judge to the public in which minorities make up atleast 30 percent of the population. So she should lose her job and anyone dumb enough to use this language in any part of anywhere where there's a chance of someone taping it. Anyone on this board goes to there social media and uses this word 9 Tim's out of 10 someone who knows u will out u and they will call your job or boycott your business. This is the times get with it or move out the country.
winn dixie's Avatar

Dude thinks if you say or have said the sacred of all words you should "get out the Country"!

winn dixie's Avatar
Since black folk call theyselves that word should they "leave the Country"? That is racist"?

Ohhh its ok for them to use the word right?