How to Bare-Back "Safely" (or minimize your risk)

5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 02-26-2017, 10:43 AM
both of you get a blood test and verify that you are both disease free then bare back! Oh wait you say you can't trust a John or a hooker to not fuck someone else between testing and BB action day thereby nullifying the safety of the test? You think hoes and hoser's lie about things to each other? Really well then that would make bare-backing a dangerous even deadly practice! But honestly - don't we all really ascribe to Darwin's theory of Natural Selection? The only problem is a few of these people may manage to father a bastard or two before Natural Selection takes its natural course.

The downside for us is that these are the same people that will run throughout the political system crying that WE need to pay for their money saving drugs to keep their fuck brained asses alive, so they can continue to make their dumb-ass choices ... fuck that shit you idiot! As a wise man once said, "you can't fix stupid! ... Here's your sign"

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I don't disagree. However, I'm still focused on Bareback mitigation because its not often discussed in favor of wear a condom and dont be stupid. Listen if the actress Sarah Butler asked me if I preferred a condom or not I'm cumming in that pussy and I will have her paying me child support. I would be like Kevin Federline when he knocked up Britney Spears.
LexusLover's Avatar
... I bare backed in the RW from time to time ...... I have no issue with saying I do endorse bareback in certain RW situations.
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
This is turning into a self-alert.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
This is turning into a self-alert. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hahaha yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes i bare back in the RW under certain situations. Do you think if I wanted to keep that a secret I couldn't. Better yet what part of me not needing this hobby is difficult to understand.
You mean to tell me that you guys cover up 100% of the time in RW situations including dating? Before I was married I would said I have fucked 1 girl with a cover in RW and that was strickly because of pregnancy concerns.

Back then I was getting tested often, but I always knew that even if I was clean I couldn't vouch for the person she slept with last. Nevertheless is didn't think is was natural to stop making out and bust out a condom with my SO.
Hobgoblin's Avatar
. Appreciate the advice OP , because your right bare backing happens, despite being dumb, its actually pretty common. So thank you for your efforts, at least someone is being practical
TryWeakly's Avatar

You help keep yourself safe by protecting yourself with a happy hat end of story.. It's not 100% but it's a better percentage than using nothing at all..

If you don't endorse it then you wouldn't have made a thread as such.. Originally Posted by Penelope Pearl
Notice she/OP starts right off with ass lube. She must have had a bad experience....

This outta be good.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Hahaha yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes i bare back in the RW under certain situations. Do you think if I wanted to keep that a secret I couldn't. Better yet what part of me not needing this hobby is difficult to understand. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
How does your butt feel after that?
TryWeakly's Avatar
Hahaha yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes i bare back in the RW under certain situations. Do you think if I wanted to keep that a secret I couldn't. Better yet what part of me not needing this hobby is difficult to understand. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Then why are you here again?
TryWeakly's Avatar
I don't disagree. However, I'm still focused on Bareback mitigation because its not often discussed in favor of wear a condom and dont be stupid. Listen if the actress Sarah Butler asked me if I preferred a condom or not I'm cumming in that pussy and I will have her paying me child support. [B]I would be like Kevin Federline[/] when he knocked up Britney Spears. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Good to see you have aspirations to be a white trash has-been.... things are definitely lookin up, G.
TryWeakly's Avatar
keep up sweetie. This is about those who despite the risk like to's mainly aimed at those who do it in the hobby but also applies to the RW. I bare backed in the RW from time to time so don't act like you never do under any context because it would be a lie I've talked about condom use and even gave you safety percentages. I have no issue with saying I do endorse bareback in certain RW situations. I'm not a lonely desperate old man seeking acceptance like 90% of the responders in this thread trying in vain to throw shade. Wallowing in their immaturity. ;-)

Remember he doth protest too much ;-) I'm sure there are a ton of people silently thanking me for this thread but too afraid to speak up for fear of being ostracized because of their hobby habits. My goal was to put it out there because these guys and gals aren't gonna stop hobbying in a risky fashion. Maybe it will help...or not Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
TryWeakly's Avatar
Those who heed his advice on guns and bbfs deserve the Darwin award. Originally Posted by Slitlikr
Or a cap popped in the ass... or head. Same diff
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
. Appreciate the advice OP , because your right bare backing happens, despite being dumb, its actually pretty common. So thank you for your efforts, at least someone is being practical Originally Posted by Hobgoblin

hopefully those practicing in secret find something useful in it.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
hopefully those practicing in secret find something useful in it. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You need to get over yourself with your BBFS stuff. I can guarantee you that there has been girls who've barebacked johns for years. I knew of guys who wouldn't go into a session unless he got BBFS. At one time there were several cliques of guys who hung out with each other and they had their BBFS harem.

I've yet to know a guy who received Hep C, and AIDS from playing around with a hooker BB. I do know one guy who's about 1/3 of the way to his 18 year sentence, however he loves the kid and treats him as his own.

I've said many time before that a persons 'safety' is up to them If I choose to see Bareback Cindy knowing she sees guys and BB them, it's my choice to slip a condom on or not. Chances are I will.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-27-2017, 08:04 AM
Here's how you bb safely:
1. Find a girl around 18 who claims she's a virgin.
2. Send her to your preferred ob/gyn and pay for the visit. Have the doc perform the "intact hymen" test.
3. wait for the doc's report.
4. if she gets a "hymen is intact" report, you're gtg. you can safely engage in bbfs. However, you may have 18 years of bills to pay, depending.

That's why, if I ever do bb, it's bb greek, not bbfs. ha ha. Plus a provider's booty generally has lower mileage on it than her kitty. That's my opinion, to which I am entitled. (Hopefully, under our new President Evil Cheeto, per NM, I will continue to be so entitled. Love it, Natalia!)

Can't wait for all the MD/Ph.D.s/Nobel Laureates/Infectious Disease experts to come tell me how dangerous bb greek is for the top, and how likely you are to acquire the following diseases:
But wait, they never named any! Still waiting to hear back. It's been 2 years since my Spin review. Still waiting, waiting,