can biden get anything right?

im not..i like palin but she isnt going to be the brokered candidate, i love palin and would vote for her.
BigWayne's Avatar
I'd vote for SillyGirl (or anyone for that matter) over Santorum. That guy's a nutbag. The last thing this country needs is a religious zealot dictating his twisted ideals to all of us.

I may vote for Romney, but I'll never vote for Santorum and I think there are a lot of undecided voters who agree with me. The republicans should consider that when nominating someone, don't you think?
i agree i would too..but you and i have a better chance then palin does of getin the nomination..she is liked about about as much as newt by the republican establishment.
One more thing to think about - will Romney work on Sunday?
yea..good point,i wonder if he can get in all the golf games and if his wife can beat mrs obamas record for the most vacations in a three year time period..wont be easy.