Savage Indictment of Iraq War by a Veteran

all you weak knee motherfucker's are a joke, do you know the person who wrote this shit or is he some lame liberal hack wanting say people on the right are unpatriotic, I be willing to bet he never wore a uniform of any branch of the service Originally Posted by gary5912
You're the weak-kneed motherfucker. Can you even read? He stated in the article that he was in Naval Intelligence during the war. This was at the end of the article:

Jim Wright is a retired US Navy Chief Warrant Officer and freelance writer. He lives in Alaska where he watches American politics in a perpetual state of amused disgust. He's been called the Tool of Satan, but he prefers the title: Satan's Designated Driver

You have also proven one of the points he made in the story, which further leads me to believe you didn't even read it. He said that it's bullshit to call those who question the war unpatriotic. It's patriotic to question what the fuck is going on.
I could say the exact same thing for my war, Vietnam.

Old me have been sending young men to die in wars for centuries. Some of those young men have fought, and died, in wars that were proven by history to be just, and honorable, and for the greater benefit of mankind. Others served in what tuned out to be a waste of a great Country's wealth, reputation, and above all, the lives of many young men.

As one who served in another wasted war, my best advice to this Iraqi War Veteran is get on with your life. I know how you feel. But if you don't let it go, it will end up consuming you, and in future years you will be just be another bitter old man who will only find peace in a bottle, a needle, or even at the end of a rope. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie, we all know that Vietnam was a dramatically different day and different time. Many of those who served in Nam were draftees, such as yourself. For the most part they did not know why they were there. Many entered the service fresh out of high school and a few months after being drafted, they were exiting an aircraft at Cam Rahn Bay.

Once off the aircraft their lives would never be the same. To make matters worse, there was very little appreciation for the sacrifices they made, even after returning home.

Today's fighting force is dramatically different. These are Professional soldiers, who are well schooled and their sacrifices are deeply appreciated by civilians. Much more so than their Vietnam era predecessors.

With all of that said, I might disagree with your politics but I have a deep appreciation and respect for you and the sacrifice you made. Whether your sacrifice was done willingly or not, is of little consequence to me. Originally Posted by bigtex
Couldn't agree more. Disagreements aside, your service demands respect.
He's mad as hell and he's not taking it anymore. Originally Posted by WombRaider

99% of military people would fish slap Jimmy... WormRaper
I B Hankering's Avatar
I could say the exact same thing for my war, Vietnam.

Old me have been sending young men to die in wars for centuries. Some of those young men have fought, and died, in wars that were proven by history to be just, and honorable, and for the greater benefit of mankind. Others served in what tuned out to be a waste of a great Country's wealth, reputation, and above all, the lives of many young men.

As one who served in another wasted war, my best advice to this Iraqi War Veteran is get on with your life. I know how you feel. But if you don't let it go, it will end up consuming you, and in future years you will be just be another bitter old man who will only find peace in a bottle, a needle, or even at the end of a rope. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Thank you for your sacrifice, and, on this Memorial Day weekend, let us remember all who have made such a sacrifice.

Marking a centennial when young men from other countries, from another time, in another war were sent ashore to fight in a place called Gallipoli.

The song, written in 1971, has been interpreted as alluding to the Vietnam War. The song rails against the romanticising of war. As the old man sits on his porch, watching the veterans march past every ANZAC Day, he muses: "The young people ask what are they marching for, and I ask myself the same question", ("And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda").
WOW... Thanks IB and guys for serving!!! Jimmy too!
dirty dog's Avatar
There are very pro-war members of the conservative party. The hypocrisy lies in them being perceived as pro-soldier. Bush is seen as pro-soldier, yet he allowed 4K plus to die in Iraq over a lie. Is that really pro-soldier behavior? Actions speak louder than words. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Well first you must understand when I speak of conservatives, I am speaking of avg people not politicians. As for the Bush lie, I can see both sides in the argument and an argument could be made both ways, with regards of whether it was a lie or not and that's not a discussion I am even going to get involved with.
99% of military people would fish slap Jimmy... WormRaper Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You don't know many military people, then.
You don't know many military people, then. Originally Posted by WombRaider
100's... but I don't know anyone who spit on our returning soldiers, like you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why bother reading stupidity....I bet you can even find a veteran who disliked World War II. So to find one or even a hundred veterans means just about nothing in the grand scheme.
Why bother reading stupidity....I bet you can even find a veteran who disliked World War II. So to find one or even a hundred veterans means just about nothing in the grand scheme. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD Jizzy hates the troops. Stupidity? What you really mean is why bother reading something that might challenge your pea-sized brain to look at things a little differently. Change is scary. It's not a reason to avoid it.

WW2 was fought FOR something. No war since has been about anything but money and greed.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
JD Jizzy hates the troops. Stupidity? What you really mean is why bother reading something that might challenge your pea-sized brain to look at things a little differently. Change is scary. It's not a reason to avoid it.

WW2 was fought FOR something. No war since has been about anything but money and greed. Originally Posted by WombRaider

And you are an absolute, brain dead turnip for believing that (if you really do but I think you're a White House hack). You also forget that I was a "troop". Kind of a bumper stick mentality there Baby Killer.
  • shanm
  • 05-25-2015, 11:11 AM
And you are an absolute, brain dead turnip for believing that (if you really do but I think you're a White House hack). You also forget that I was a "troop". Kind of a bumper stick mentality there Baby Killer. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Ted Bundy was a human. IJS.
And you are an absolute, brain dead turnip for believing that (if you really do but I think you're a White House hack). You also forget that I was a "troop". Kind of a bumper stick mentality there Baby Killer. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You are a self-professed conservative. By definition you are averse to change. Troops can be self-hating. Not sure why you think that insulates you somehow from being a hater. You showed your true colors by shitting on another troop who actually has a different view from yours. So much for supporting the troops, huh?