Providers and HPV

Vaccinate your 11 year old? Sorry but don't be surprised if he is sterile when It comes time to have grand babies. 10-15 years from now they will know the true side effects of these "vaccinations". Rubber up and take care of yourself and you will be fine. Texastx, what's gonna be your next warning?
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Vaccinate your 11 year old? Sorry but don't be surprised if he is sterile when It comes time to have grand babies. 10-15 years from now they will know the true side effects of these "vaccinations". Rubber up and take care of yourself and you will be fine. Texastx, what's gonna be your next warning? Originally Posted by Mr.Beezle
While I don't want to overstate the risks of HSV, 1 or 2, since we're talking about vaccinations to reduce the transmission of HSV, covering up with a rubber doesn't help that much. Genital HSV can be transmitted through skin to skin contact over part of your body that would be generally covered by a pair of boxers. What is a greater effective prevention, though unintended, is that many more people are inifected with oral HSV1 - cold sores. Antibodies for HSV 1 does reduce the likelihood of contracting HSV 2, so those who have HSV 1 tend to be the broken link in what would otherwise be a much greater outbreak of HSV 2. That, and the fact that males have a lesser chance of contracting it than females in general through same amount of contact.
That's a bold statement...would you be so kind as to provide links to the info that has led you to this view point? My life's pretty ok and I really don't want to die. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy

Let me Google that for you

Gardasil received fast track approval by the FDA, in large part due to the cronyism of Rick Perry. What better way to generate profits for Big Pharma than to MANDATE that poison be taken?

Perry has several ties to Merck and Women in Government. One of the drug company's three lobbyists in Texas is Mike Toomey, his former chief of staff. His current chief of staff's mother-in-law, Texas Republican state Rep. Dianne White Delisi, is a state director for Women in Government. Originally Posted by Associated Press
Your aggression isn't helping you get your point across. How difficult would it have been to to provide the link( minus the snarky google reference) in your first post? No one has forced anyone to take Gardasil just suggested it might far as I know no one is forcing anyone to take it- I'd google whether it was mandated or not but I'd hate to deprive you of a chance to be an aggro smartass with a chip on your shoulder again.

At a cursory glance of google- of the 16 deaths related to Gardasil 4 of them were suicides...and some of the deaths sound like they were other childhood illnesses that may have coincided with the vaccine.

You could be right...maybe it is killing people and maybe one of our elected leaders is behind it because they just really REALLY get off on the widespread intentional poisoning of children for personal gain but it seems unlikely and you sound like a far left liberal nut job(not to be confused with far right Republican nut jobs who are just as crazy and biased and not to be confused with the nut jobs I give which are 100% Independent).

Let me Google that for you

Gardasil received fast track approval by the FDA, in large part due to the cronyism of Rick Perry. What better way to generate profits for Big Pharma than to MANDATE that poison be taken? Originally Posted by new_to_this
knotty man's Avatar
yeah! what she said!
Wow, where did that come from? I wasn't being aggressive at all. Let me Google that for you is a website that is intended as a joke or a slight derision, all in good fun.

Please take a deep breath and count to 10....Namaste!

I am neither "left wing" or "right wing". I do not recognize that paradigm.

In 2007, Rick Perry issued an Executive Order mandating that all girls in TX would receive Gardasil vaccinations before entering the 6th grade. This E.O. was thankfully blocked by our legislature in 2008.

Ultimately, I believe your are free to do whatever you want with your own body. However, before subjecting any children to ANY medical treatment, you should always do your own research (when possible) and do not rely solely on the opinion of 1 or 2 doctors.