Emotionally Compromised

Claire - thanks for your insights, I see what you mean about her past and wanting to safeguard herself. I will say this, she is relatively new, so maybe that has something to do with it too. And I get the whole trust thing...but I'll add to the narrative. During our chats I got to know her and I opened up as well. We know each other's real names (verified) and it just felt very natural. Maybe she's just very good at this, and I bought too much into it.

Jasmine - valid point, but I feel that by clearing out my own fourth, dropping my plans, and taking the time to draft an e-mail highlighting things she'd enjoy I showed my commitment to companionship/friendship. And to add even more to the narrative I told her I honestly wasn't looking around for other women, not as long as she was around. And I understand how for her she can't know how sincere I was, but I really am...even now.

I also question the "shock" because through texts I saw her read receipt and response all game through in less than a second.

Gingerpie - maybe this is why I'm bad at the hobby but I can't just see her or anyone else as just a "taco" or an object. I do appreciate the consistency of the service, but for me I'll always consider the layer of the human and emotional aspect...which is turning into a questionable decision haha.

Hunkered - I agree that it's the best option and she doesn't owe me a thing or explanation or that she should have compromised on her price or anything like that. It still sucks to feel this down about it though. Originally Posted by Zerox
Wow...she is new and let her guard down and let you in to apease you but is still just wanting you as mainly business...she will learn its best to keep the wall thick to avoid hurting future clients or herself. It is a mistake i made as well..it is probably in her nature to try and please others...which does make for a good provider. Idk man i must say im sorry it had to be you
This is a sad story my friend...
  • Zerox
  • 06-24-2015, 02:00 PM
She is definitely a sincerely giving person, and I reciprocated right back. I have her shoulder ribs during session, forger plenty of gifts around her interests, flowers/candy, and she seemed to sincerely like it all.

I'm not sure GingerPie....I thank you for your condolences...but it just really, really, really, really, really sucks right now to feel like I made a good emotional connection, and not have it be reciprocated.
you sure can be friends and have a relationship in the RW with a Provider you met.. many things have to happen but yes it possible..

my best friend is a former Provider. We do NOT have sex and have NOT in 6 years but we talk or text every single day. We spend time together shopping, eating, having fun. All her kids know me her husband knows of me (open marriage) and most of her family knows of me.

Now having a Romantic Relationship with a Provider after the fact is difficult for both parties. I tried to do it one time back in my late 20's (20 yrs ago).. It did not last long as you can imagine..
Skip_8's Avatar
Get a sugar baby Zerox
Passion2015's Avatar
The bottom line you have to learn is that this hobby is an addiction. For.guys it's the adventure of having different ladies and for the ladies it's about money. 99.9% of the ladies here could care less about you because they are all actors getting paid and the highest bidder gets the act.

I'm sure your not alone with your feelings as I have seen other guys on here with the same dilemma. Just chalk it up as a lesson learned and see another but don't over spend. Over spending just makes it worse.

Have fun and be safe
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Slow your roll there, Negative Nancy.
Originally Posted by Claire She Blows

Skip_8's Avatar
Personally, I think the ladies could not care less. It's all about the money.

The bottom line you have to learn is that this hobby is an addiction. For.guys it's the adventure of having different ladies and for the ladies it's about money. 99.9% of the ladies here could care less about you because they are all actors getting paid and the highest bidder gets the act.

I'm sure your not alone with your feelings as I have seen other guys on here with the same dilemma. Just chalk it up as a lesson learned and see another but don't over spend. Over spending just makes it worse.

Have fun and be safe Originally Posted by Passion2015
Providers aren't inherently selfish, cold, and money hungry. It's just that the good lord hath given us each a certain amount of fucks to give. Each day you wake up with x amount of fucks and it's difficult, yet crucial, to budget those out accordingly. It's rare that one uses their limited supply of daily fucks on strangers or aquaintences (or sort of friends) who are paying for their snatch. She can be sweet, sincere, accommodating, and entitled to money.

*Fucks in both the literal and nonliteral sense.
Providers aren't inherently selfish, cold, and money hungry. It's just that the good lord hath given us each a certain amount of fucks to give. Each day you wake up with x amount of fucks and it's difficult, yet crucial, to budget those out accordingly. It's rare that one uses their limited supply of daily fucks on strangers or aquaintences (or sort of friends) who are paying for their snatch. She can be sweet, sincere, accommodating, and entitled to money.

*Fucks in both the literal and nonliteral sense. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
  • Zerox
  • 06-24-2015, 04:44 PM
Passion - isn't it a little cynical to think it's absolutely only about the money?! I honestly think that with regulars, and a developed "relationship" there's a legitimate bond that's made. Thanks for the advice though, I do appreciate it. Although I'm probably a little tender to jump back on the horse...mostly because I don't think I'd get anyone as good.

jenn- I absolutely agree, it's the digression of the woman how much she "gives". I guess I just didn't like the emotional facade. I understand it's part of her "sell" as ginger pie points out, I guess I just wasn't ready for the rug to be pulled out so to say.
Sometimes it is best to just enjoy the ride, and not look behind the curtain.
Providers aren't inherently selfish, cold, and money hungry. It's just that the good lord hath given us each a certain amount of fucks to give. Each day you wake up with x amount of fucks and it's difficult, yet crucial, to budget those out accordingly. It's rare that one uses their limited supply of daily fucks on strangers or aquaintences (or sort of friends) who are paying for their snatch. She can be sweet, sincere, accommodating, and entitled to money.

*Fucks in both the literal and nonliteral sense. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
As an escort, I DO enjoy going on trips with SOME chosen clients….I REALLY DO!! I PROMISE!!!
But if they really care to make me enjoy the trip, they need to realize that I can only feel relaxed if I am covered to pay my bills. If a client wants to take me away for a day or two or three, I will miss 3 days of opportunity to make a living and to live my real life…if he really cares about me, he will want me to feel good on the trip knowing that I can still pay my bills. Women are on here to make a living. If we give away our time to everyone for free then we cannot support our family.

It's doable. But like any relationship.....respect, patience, humor, compromise, compassion, tolerance, and understanding are the keys. Additionally, the definition of relationship can and will vary significantly depending on real world considerations....both yours and hers. Just remember, honesty is the best policy - make sure that you can honestly handle the relationship she can realistically provide (including payment for such if required) ....if not its just a doomed fantasy. Can a provider like you as a person and not perceive you as just an ATM? Yes. Just make sure that you really want to know everything you may learn. To many here, the simplistic exchange of cash and services is what is sought and preferred. To others, varying degrees of deeper intimacy.... Both are fine. Just know that the deeper intimacy route is harder. Harder to maintain, harder to rationalize, harder when it ends..... But I like a challenge......damn do I like a challenge!
