The F-35 is becoming the most popular fighter jet among NATO militaries — with one 'baffling' exception

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
There are only four people that have posted on this thread.
One using the word "baffling."

My response which is explained below, and it should have been apparent if the link you supplied went into enough detail about such.

Another that agrees with me.

One questioning if I read the article. No. I already knew about Turkey, their choice for defensive ordinance, the reason at the time, and USA response.

This is old news to me. I can't remember where I read/heard it in the past but it was long enough to where I can't reference it.

Than you pulling the usual plays from your book.

I'll leave it at that. You have responded enough to show, to a person that reads your post that fill in enough.

Two that know and two that make can't see it and have to say "argue." Originally Posted by Precious_b

Michael Peck wrote the article and used "baffling" in his title.