When a "john" gets popped....

I always expect to get made...maybe even handcuffed...who said anything about LE doing the job

Seriously, be careful Originally Posted by Bigh1955

I do have a new pair of cuffs I need to try out.
TRex1176's Avatar
Hey Ms. E, are they pink and fuzzy?
No, but I can make you some that are.
TRex1176's Avatar
Use me and abuse me!
You sure you want to give yourself to me like that?
Thats why I pretty much stick to the traveling gals that have a lot of reviews and a couple UTR local gals that got introduced by a reliable provider. I prefer to go to a strip club ad try to buy my way into some action, I am pretty sure they aren't LE. Of course nothing local for that. I think if a provider is out there working with LE then a person should get ratted out to the group. We try to do our homework by using these sites but if she turns rat, then she needs to get bounced publicly. It may be difficult to do though with obstruction issues and the fact that anyone posting a thread outing someone would likely get pulled anyways, kind of along the same lines of saying a gal or john has an std.