What is your preferred time to visit a provider?

Depends really. If I drove out to Houston myself I try around 11-12. If I'm out here with work after or around 7
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Seems like the poll is favoring daytime as of now. Which is positive for me, because it's next to impossible for me to be available in the evenings unless my little one is staying the weekend with family.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
three fav times.
Weekdays early to mid evening
Weekends, brunch times
Overnights (most always since last summer)
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Right now, 10am to 11am has the most votes
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I'm surprised the 6-7pm time is only tied for 4th place.
I would of never predicted this poll. I would of thought the popular time would have been between 4 and 6 pm.
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
Defintely daytime for me. Evenings I cant get away. Daytime is easier for me to free up my time
Fallout4's Avatar
I almost exclusively do 6pm weekday appointments right after work helps unwind and let’s rush hour go down
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
The poll closes in 1 day!

Right now the results are as follows:

1st place = 10am or 11am
2ed place = 12pm or 1pm
3rd place = 8pm or later
4th place is a tie = 8am or 9am & 6pm or 7pm
5th place is a tie = 6am or 7am & 2pm or 3pm
6th place is a tie = 4am or 5am & 4pm or 5pm
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
My gents seem to prefer mornings and afternoons, while they're at work...

Interesting poll Brooke!

Happy Hobbying!
I would of never predicted this poll. I would of thought the popular time would have been between 4 and 6 pm. Originally Posted by Fizley
It is always surprising when I find out I am “unique just like everybody else”…
Depends on the day... if during the week, I like to shoot for the 8am to 3 pm zone.. this way if I am lucky I can be her 1st appointment for the day or at least be the mid day one and get the driving in traffic done before traffic becomes a nightmare.

If weekends, from 10 am to about 4 pm range.

evening appointments for me would be rare depending on what area of town the lady is in, I like to see what is around me as I drive and when I am traversing to and from my car. the more you can see the safer you might be.

Unless she lives in a very upscale neighborhood, condo or apartment complex where the area of town has low crime rate.

I used to see 1 lady who lived off 290 and HuffMeister in an apartment that did not share a common fence with other apartments, just the next door Walgreens.

Another one lived in the southern area of the Woodlands (Rayford Sawdust road zone) Not saying crime does not exist out there but you do not see the "street thugs" out there.
I think I need to change my time I try to hobby from late morning to mid afernoon.

Maybe this is why I have struggled to see new providers