Why Did Obama Win and What does it Mean for Republicans?

flghtr65's Avatar
In a nutshell:

http://www.factandmyth.com/why-obama...-did-obama-win Originally Posted by SassySue
Obama won because of 4 reasons basically.

1. Eight years of Bush and Dick Cheney was eight years too much.

2. Sarah Palin was an airhead and destroyed McCain's ticket.

3. No one read Mitts 59 point plan to fix the economy (Including IBH who thought it was conjecture and did not exist)

4. This is from the link and very true. The trickle down theory does not work.

from the link:

Reaganomics has failed. Nothing has trickled down on the lower/middle income earners other than rising health care and tuition costs. The jig is up. The only people left babbling on about “class warfare” are the talking heads that a dwindling voting block continues to listen to.
I B Hankering's Avatar
. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
One of Donald Trump's old quotes, "The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats":

I B Hankering's Avatar
One of Donald Trump's old quotes, "The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats":

Originally Posted by SassySue
And just last week, Odumbo's sitting FBI Director Comey confirmed that hildebeest was an incompetent, dissembling, unsophisticated liar.

. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Wonder if that's a representation of their " axe gashes " as assup calls it ?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Wonder if that's a representation of their " axe gashes " as assup calls it ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
That would be hildebeest's sugary promises that have big sloppy holes in them, just the way the you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM likes them.
flghtr65's Avatar

As ole LBJ said........"we will have those ni----s voting Democrat for the next century". Originally Posted by Jackie S
Does that include Condi Rice, Ben Carson, Mike Steele and Herman(9,9,9) Caine ?
flghtr65's Avatar

What I don't understand is how he got re-elected, and now Hillary, who is worse, will be the next one elected. [/QUOTE]

Contrary to popular belief, Wisconsin was never TRENDING Romney / Ryan, neither were the other 14 so called battleground states.
The reason Obama got re-elected is due mostly to demographics. The majority of people who vote today are a mixture of Hispanic, Black, and women, in addition to white males. Also, the younger vote is leaning democratic. The block of people voting GOP is growing smaller. Even though there are 43 percent of Americans who claim to be independent, a little more than half of them lean democratic.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
3 million Republicans stayed at home.
flghtr65's Avatar
3 million Republicans stayed at home. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Mitt lost to Obama by 5 million votes. If the 3 million that stayed home voted for Mitt, he still would have lost by 2 million votes.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obama won because his lies were more attractive and believable than Romney's. However, they were still lies.
Obama won because his lies were more attractive and believable than Romney's. However, they were still lies. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
All politicians are liars to a certain degree. Hillary has more people checking on her facts and figures before she does public speeches. Trump is more impulsive when he speaks. I think people usually vote for the candidate's proposed policies, regardless of whether that candidate may be dishonest at times. I've never seen an article where Hillary was intentionally dishonest in one of her speeches, at least not yet.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hillary is ALWAYS dishonest. Sniper fire in Bosnia? Lie. Benghazi caused by a video? Lie. No classified emails? Lie. Turned over all emails? Lie. She is the most corrupt and dishonest candidate ever to run for President. And she is owned by Goldmann Sachs.
Hillary is ALWAYS dishonest. Sniper fire in Bosnia? Lie. Benghazi caused by a video? Lie. No classified emails? Lie. Turned over all emails? Lie. She is the most corrupt and dishonest candidate ever to run for President. And she is owned by Goldmann Sachs. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
But EKIM, assup and other hard core shriLIARy lovers are still "blowing their horns " ( or in the case of EKIM and assup, blowing OTHER'S "horns " ) for the sexual predator, lying deceitful bitch !