Ads without pics

mmcqtx's Avatar
To each their own. It's never been my thing, never will be my thing.. and it seems to work just peaches and cream for me. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Grace, this is in reference to NEW girls, not the lovelies we all (well, maybe not all, but a goodly number) know and love.
HobbieMan's Avatar
Professional pics are nice and artsy, but casual pics are what do it for me, as it looks more "real".

Casual pics from a session in the reviews are even better, as it gives the reader the POV - "Point Of View" experience/image to think about, and we think "That schlong in her mouth could be mine!"

The reason ladies "waste" money on professional pics is because boards like this one are only about 15% of the entire hobby. (NOT IN TEXAS, ECCIE RULES IN TEXAS) The pictures and the websites are a necessity for anyone who wishes to expand beyond BP and forums. (like Porn?) lol

ECCIE = Threads: 1,876,340, Posts: 10,042,607, Members: 368,935 70% OF THAT IS FROM TEXAS. Then filter in P411 =(Provider Listings: 13,232 Client Members: 35,696) and it is much higher in TEXAS. And lets also take in account the RISK of using BP and other FORUMS. ECCIE is much more safe in comparison.

Some guys want nothing other than a hot chick to fuck and they don't care about whether or not she can communicate intelligently. (she don't even need to speak, she knows why we are here and we know why she's here) Others care greatly about someone who can count past potato. (one-potato, two-potato. hey i like master chef ramsey gordon) Whether the pics are important or not... or whether the descriptions in the showcase are important are not... are all relative to each individual hobbyist.(and her bank account) lol Originally Posted by GracePreston
GracePreston, I am sure you been here long enough to read the difference in VIEWS between reviews with pic's and reviews without. same goes with VIEWS of how much traffic has VIEWED her AD if it has no pictures or just one pic that been photo-shopped to the hilt and a 5 paragraph story of how great she think she is versus an AD that has many pictures and vital information that the hobbyist wants without the BS story. supply and demand of what the customer wants will determine how much business she gets. plain and simple. Most of the masses on eccie, which is the best forum in Texas, want CURRENT NON-PHOTO-SHOPPED PICTURES.

side note: I do understand many reasons why some providers don't want to post any pictures or accurate pictures: married, security reasons, RW job, they have many flaws, ugly, over-weight, their pimp won't let them, thinking once the client shows up, he won't want to decline since he spent time to get there, etc... but, is she looking for flat out trickery or a one-time visit? hobbyist talk and review, we will know the truth after a few reviews anyways so, why not be honest? This is her business and if she wants to GROW her business, honesty is the best way to start.

Grace Preston's Avatar
Eccie is the busiest FORUM in Texas. That doesn't make it the best advertising venue in Texas. I still stand by my assertion.

Strangely enough, when I visit areas that are Eccie dominant, I don't advertise any differently than anywhere else. Yet, my business doesn't suffer, despite not toeing the line you think I should march. I don't allow photos in reviews. Wanna know why?

What is harder to dispute... a review written by an anonymous internet pseudonym with nothing to corroborate that I was even there, or a review full of pictures of myself engaged in sexual acts?? I believe it ups the risk ante, and that is why I won't do it.

Hobby as you personally choose, but not everyone is going to agree with your stance of "How it is"
milfy2002's Avatar

The tone of this thread is just so negative. The OP and the few guys that followed were just so rude about the whole thing. (Edited)

If this is the tone in which you always deliver constructive criticism maybe some ladies would be perfectly OK if they never made your acquaintance.

How about saying, "Hey ladies, did you know that some of us are passing you up because you don't place photos in your ads? Some of us really REALLY need to see pics in your ads to have our interests piqued. Many of us enjoy candid, non photo shopped pics. Hope this helps!"

Catch more flies with honey...
The tone of this thread is just so negative. The OP and the few guys that followed were just so rude about the whole thing. (Edited)

If this is the tone in which you always deliver constructive criticism maybe some ladies would be perfectly OK if they never made your acquaintance. Originally Posted by milfy2002
Milfy, this is a discussion thread that expresses our views. We are NOT trying to be mean or rude. We are NOT telling you how to run your business. Just as you are not telling us where to spend our money. We are just pointing out what we like and how we choose a provider that we like. Maybe some of us don't say the exact words or sentences in the order that you like but, we get our point across. Not all of us are as smart as those Catholic girls. lol

milfy2002's Avatar

Maybe not as smart as a Catholic girl but seemingly more entitled ;-)

L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 11-20-2016, 04:49 PM
Ads without pics are pointless . You never know who may be in town and interested. My clients love when I post a NEW sexy snapshot *SELFIE* in my weekly ads! I suggest each provider to do the same xoxoxo

Originally Posted by phoenixfire_

I think what everybody is overlooking is the awesome pic phoenix has posted. It was hard to focus on anything after that. Phoenix don't think your pics go unnoticed.

Took a moment to regain my composure. I don't really mind ads without pics as long as there are some in the showcase. Sometimes even the absence of those won't be a deal breaker but they do help in making a choice. I honestly prefer the more natural or selfie type pics rather than the glamour shot photos. It's bad when you get there and can barely recognize the provider because of the touched up photos.
milfy2002's Avatar
I think what everybody is overlooking is the awesome pic phoenix has posted. It was hard to focus on anything after that. Phoenix don't think your pics go unnoticed.

Took a moment to regain my composure. I don't really mind ads without pics as long as there are some in the showcase. Sometimes even the absence of those won't be a deal breaker but they do help in making a choice. I honestly prefer the more natural or selfie type pics rather than the glamour shot photos. It's bad when you get there and can barely recognize the provider because of the touched up photos. Originally Posted by L.A.

Seriously though, that picture is banging! Sexy pic of a sexy lady

I honestly had no idea about posting pics and rates in my ads until someone told me. I always thought that was what the showcase was for. My area of expertise is healthcare, not marketing, and so I really had no idea how much of a difference it made. I now realize that the guys do not want to click around for info when browsing the ads, and I totally get it, once someone explained it to me (nicely!).

Pics in ROS, not sure I am Probably only if my face and any other identifying marks are omitted!

My earlier comment was not about the original sentiment of the thread being invalid, but rather that it could be conveyed in a friendlier manner. Basically telling every lady that reads this thread, "well if you don't have pics in your ad then I'm not even gonna bother with you," just comes off kind of whiny, rude, just not nice.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Some guys want nothing other than a hot chick to fuck and they don't care about whether or not she can communicate intelligently. Others care greatly about someone who can count past potato. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Sadly that is the male species. Not everyone puts it as well as Grace.
Some of the more established providers use the ad forum simply to tell their clients they are 'available now' if you will. They dont need to post a picture.
When you think about how people shop, it simply increases the desire to buy. If you see an ad for an item with as many possible variations as a woman, text-only is not as effective as including a pic.

For example, if you are looking for something in blue, think of the myriad shades and permutations of blue. But, if you see a picture, there is no guessing if the shade is right. If I want you to buy my vehicle, I post pics of it from every angle. This helps the buyer and the seller. Neither buyer, nor seller will want to play 20 questions via text/email about it. Even worse, setting and meeting an appointment is a total waste of time and effort for both, if the buyer doesn't like what he sees.

Pics don't have to close the deal. They only convince the buyer that the item is worth spending his money. After all, you won't buy something sight unseen.

So, a pic or two helps the potential buyer decide whether or not he is interested and protects the seller from wasting precious resources to prepare the item for show, only to have the shopper back out and prevent a possible sale. Anyone who's sold anything knows how frustrating it is to waste an hour with someone who hasn't decided to spend anything yet.

Pics turn shoppers into buyers.
tortpicker's Avatar
Did the showcases full of pics disappear? I'm on break, so I'm not 100% up to date on such matters.... Originally Posted by GracePreston
Most of the providers still put pics in their ads. Mostly what I'm seeing are the new girls posting with no pics, showcase or reviews. I just go on to the next ad if they don't have anything out there to look at. I'm always afraid of LE posting in here so I'm very careful that the provider has been on here for a while. Just my .02 cents worth.
FunInDFW's Avatar
^ probably not the actual provider posting.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
I ONLY look at showcase to get her current rate, menu, and hopefully her P411 link. I already know that showcase pic's and Ads are photo-shopped to the fuckin hilt or are 5+ years old. I ONLY like the pic's that are in reviews, that hobbyist took. I wish providers would stop wasting their money and time on Photoshop pic's or pic's that are more than 2 years old (we will find out the truth in reviews anyways) and stories about how good they think they are. Let me decide that please.

PROVIDERS: if you are wondering why you don't get as many VIEWS of your review as the other girl, the reason is, NO PIC'S IN REVIEW. (pictures are worth a thousand words, no need to write any stories about yourself in showcase and Ad's) keep it simple: age, height, weight, location, rate, menu and P411 link. Then post CURRENT NON-PHOTOSHOPPED PICTURES.

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0

quite frankly, you are wrong sir, just totally ill informed about everything you said in this post.. smh

Please all ladies reading this, DO NOT let this mans opinion run your business. I can assure you can prevail without allowing John's to record you sucking their cock...

And I for one will not EVER let a hobbyist take pictures of me in a session or ANYWHERE.

Just like these men do not want to give you any real world information, We also have the right to not want anonymous men having butt naked pictures and videos of us in compromising positions to post wherever they please. Talk about BLACK MAIL

and everything else about pictures and bio's is also nonsense.