How Huge Multi-National Corporations are Dodging Taxes

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep the libtards love the tax code and scream for higher taxes which mainly falls on the middle class.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-06-2014, 07:44 AM
JD, so you blame someone for playing by the rules someone else set?

You really believe every rich conservative tells their accountant to look for the way to pay the most taxes? I kind of doubt that. Everyone is in favor of reforming the tax structure to eliminate all loopholes except the ones they use.

This is an area I agree with COG. The tax system needs serious simplification and rebalancing. But unlike you I acknowledge that both parties have vested reasons to not make structural changes and piss off their constituents. You, you seem comfortable living in your delusional world that thinks every millionaire is a LWW and any all TPers are minimally getting by.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
JD, so you blame someone for playing by the rules someone else set?

You really believe every rich conservative tells their accountant to look for the way to pay the most taxes? I kind of doubt that. Everyone is in favor of reforming the tax structure to eliminate all loopholes except the ones they use.

This is an area I agree with COG. The tax system needs serious simplification and rebalancing. But unlike you I acknowledge that both parties have vested reasons to not make structural changes and piss off their constituents. You, you seem comfortable living in your delusional world that thinks every millionaire is a LWW and any all TPers are minimally getting by. Originally Posted by Old-T
You might have to move in with WTF. It seems that the liberals like Turner and Buffet don't complain about taxes while they are taking every advantage, fair and foul. Conservatives complain about taxes so you expect them to use every legal means to avoid taxes just like T. Roosevelt advocated. It is the hypocrisy of the left again. Care to apologize or do you want to link to where I said that Tea party people are just getting by? Or that every millionaire is a leftie? I didn't, you did. Don't start lying now to disrupt the discussion of hypocrisy.

You seem to overlook that high powered people like Turner and Buffet help write some of those rules so your very first statement is questionable.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-06-2014, 03:12 PM
What year was Buffet a congressman? I think I missed that one.

No, you didn't SAY all millionaires are dems or LWWs, or that TPers are destitute, you only seem to care when a dem takes a legal deduction. One can distort and deceive by selective examples, as you regularly do. So no, no apology forthcoming.

And your comment about hypocrisy in taking deductions is beyond stupid: are you really saying that if a person agrees with a law, and then follows the law, that is a bad thing and makes them hypocritical? Why yes, that IS what you are saying. Amazing. Simply amazing.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Stop digging OT, you're making a great big hole. Let me understand what you just wrote, Warren Buffet has NO political power. That is what you wrote isn't it. That he can't influence (I never said he wrote, you did) legislation over tax laws. Do you feel the senility settling in for the long haul?

This is about hypocrites and we can add another to the list; Robert Redford. He is refusing to pay taxes that New York state says that they are owed from a sale of his production company. Another hard left liberal who thinks the rich should pay more taxes but when it comes do to it he is just another greedy bastard with $170 million. Like Al Gore, like Micheal Moore, like Ted Turner, like Warren Buffet, like just about any liberal out there.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-07-2014, 07:13 AM
So now you are saying anyone who disagrees with you should not have the right to petition their elected officials? Buffet does not but the Koch bros do?

No, influencing is not making.

Redford? He should be nailed for every cent he owes--but not for using loopholes that are legally there. What part of that do you disagree with?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-07-2014, 09:55 AM

This is about hypocrites and we can add another to the list; . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If you advocate for say the right to carry guns any and are not a hypocrite by not breaking the law and not carrying a gun to say the Texas State House.

No different than what Buffet has done....he wants a higher tax on the rich....he does not want to be exempt, had he, then he would be a hypocrite but he wants a higher tax rate on all the rich. No hypocrisy there.