Need Advice

Thanks again for your guys input. I'm new to the forum and didn't know how to use to search feature until now. Ironically enough there was a post about this girl from a couple weeks back in my area in which the same thing happened to another guy, so I'm confident the pimp/bf/whatever was in on it the whole time. Originally Posted by Arcofthecovfefe
Not to be pushy or anything... But Im sure many of the fine gentlemen hereare still waiting for you to share that link so that everyone knows who to be wary of. Copy, paste, post, be a hero and save the world... :-)
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Have you burnt that hustler's house to the ground yet?
Bobave's Avatar
Not to be pushy or anything... But Im sure many of the fine gentlemen hereare still waiting for you to share that link so that everyone knows who to be wary of. Copy, paste, post, be a hero and save the world... :-) Originally Posted by VegasJen
The OP has aggressively ignored a number of people's comments to the same effect. Looking likely that this a troll and we won't be learning any useful information.
burkalini's Avatar
Still no name or link? Is this real?
Maybe he's our new Yitzchak??? Summer entertainment.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Yeah I wasn't too smart.. I'm just glad that no one had a gun and I didn't get injured. The whole thing just psychologically scarred me and I'm using this is a lesson. Originally Posted by Arcofthecovfefe

Sounds like something Yitzchak would say.