
LadyMoxie's Avatar
Say whaaaa... oh no! Oh no! Oh no no no! This is getting stupid... I think big bird would do a better job. He sold us out and now wants to destroy America... well, he's already done much damage.. dude's gotta go...
Michael8219's Avatar
I agree, watch this 1975 classic Big Bird:

But as you can see Big Bird was a democrat and a paedo…bird seed for everyone and kissing babies. Maybe sleepy Joe watched this video? Naw, Bird says you need to know a lot of things, make important decisions, and he held a real unscripted press conference.
Ericka xoxo's Avatar
Why can’t we have younger good candidates!?
Why can't we have good candidates period, young or old?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
How about anyone that's not a puppet?
LadyMoxie's Avatar
They're all put there for a reason... to keep their agenda going. They really just make us think we're in control by voting, but that's not the end of the day, they're ALL puppets... and now it's about to get worse bc we're being invaded at the border! Biden just singed a bill that gives them free medical and emergency food stamps...
Guess where our hard earned tax money is going... it's outrageous.
No, they just sold out to every despot ruler in the world, Ukraine, China, Russia, and on and on….
LadyMoxie's Avatar
No, they just sold out to every despot ruler in the world, Ukraine, China, Russia, and on and on…. Originally Posted by Linus2016
USAsoldier's Avatar
They're all put there for a reason... to keep their agenda going. They really just make us think we're in control by voting, but that's not the end of the day, they're ALL puppets... and now it's about to get worse bc we're being invaded at the border! Biden just singed a bill that gives them free medical and emergency food stamps...
Guess where our hard earned tax money is going... it's outrageous. Originally Posted by LadyMoxie
What bill are you talking about that was just signed by Prez Biden??

Undocumented immigrant workers in the United States pay up to $452 billion dollars yearly in taxes. The majority of that paid tax money goes towards welfare, SNAP, Medicaid and other government assistance programs.
Undocumented workers cannot use those services, only their children born in the US can.

Rural and urban white people are the majority race who utilize those government services over any other race. That is a stone cold fact.

Undocumented workers hard earned taxed money is feeding poor white little hungry Johnny and Daisy.

Undocumented immigrant workers in the United States pay up to $452 billion dollars yearly in taxes. Originally Posted by USAsoldier
Which says absolutely nothing to the draw on our economy from those illegals who pay nothing in taxes. Do you have the income tax dollar stats that are not collected from illegals? If not, then the $452B number is useless.
Which says absolutely nothing to the draw on our economy from those illegals who pay nothing in taxes. Do you have the income tax dollar stats that are not collected from illegals? If not, then the $452B number is useless. Originally Posted by Bowser98
Exactly, because there is no way to track what they are paying in sales tax, gas tax, etc. when they spend their money because no one knows what they are making... because they do not pay income taxes.
  • pxmcc
  • 05-11-2023, 06:42 PM
Illegal immigrants are the base of the U.S. economy. Whether it's morally good or not, they're economically equivalent to the slaves who made life pleasant for the Roman patricians. Who do you think is mowing your lawn in the middle of Houston summers, doing roofwork replacing your shingles at temperatures around 115F on August afternoons, and cleaning your houses at rates you can afford? It's not wealthy white people or even middle class white people; it's illegal immigrants.

I had a funny personal experience which is relevant. Because I have a HOA run by complete idiots that has grown toxic molds all across my condo complex, I did about the equivalent of 6 months of work putting in mold-free cement anywhere near my condo unit, and I was always the only person in the cement aisle at Home Depot who was white and spoke English. These gents gave me strange looks and figured I must be in the wrong aisle, which was funny. But they also knew their shit, and with my broken Spanish, always hooked me up with the best recommendations for the products I needed. (Course the mold stuff I had to figure out myself.)

What world are you all living in? Fantasyland?
What world are you all living in?
I’m living in a “world” where the supply of illegals vastly outweighs the demand for them.
  • pxmcc
  • 05-12-2023, 12:15 PM
I’m living in a “world” where the supply of illegals vastly outweighs the demand for them. Originally Posted by Bowser98
lol sir.

what about reshoring all of the manufacturing we shipped to China and putting them to work in American factories? yes it would take some effort, but if there's nothing else we learned from the supply chain clusterfuck-and the demand pull inflation it caused- it's that we can't and shouldn't rely on China for..pretty much anything.

the old guard factory workers were not ready to compete on the world stage. we need a new guard that is hungry and ready to compete.

what about reshoring all of the manufacturing we shipped to China and putting them to work in American factories? Originally Posted by pxmcc
That’s putting the cart before before the horse…unless we put them to work building those factories. In the meantime though, the continued drain on the US economy worsens. Not to mention the criminal element.