
simplegent's Avatar
Well I may have to take it for a week or two if it gets my house cleaned. I am desparate. Originally Posted by Htowner
boardman's Avatar
Every other woman I know takes this antidepressant.

Does it make women gain weight and stop sucking dicks? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Hmmm, that must be something for married women, I've never even heard of it. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
It's all the same, Meds or not.

The main thing I have heard about this medication is that it increases OCD tendencies in a person. So, if they are already complusive about things...i.e...cleaning...neat freak...etc. It will enhance that to a much higher degree and the person may not even notice it. Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
So if she is obsessed with sucking dicks then this could be a good thing, right?
As far as I know all anti-depressants do that. Depressing hugh? Maybe that’s the pharmaceutical companies way of keeping their customers.
dearhunter's Avatar
Just tell the bitch that she is gaining weight because she won't suck dick..........I'm just saying.
ratboy jam's Avatar
Heck, I took a Tylenol once and refused to suck a dick for almost a full week. I guess everything can have side effects! Originally Posted by Sweet Heather

I refuse to "suck a dick" whether I take an aspirin or not!!
LOL, I've been on this stuff for 6 weeks tomorrow. No weight gain and I haven't stopped - well I haven't stopped, - but I haven't seen any discernible difference in the problems I was having before.

Thanks for the laughs, though.

I'm thinking I'm about done w/it.
