been ripped off by Jules Jaguar

Come on buzz do you really think if I was the op I would register with the same name as mine? How stupid would that be sir? If I misspelled a word or two forgive me I'm on a iPhone.
TexTushHog's Avatar
If the gentleman says he has documentation, it seems to me that the answer is for him to share it with the assembled multitudes. No?
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
Come on buzz do you really think if I was the op I would register with the same name as mine? How stupid would that be sir? If I misspelled a word or two forgive me I'm on a iPhone. Originally Posted by mikemile41
then what did cause you to register today? nothing else to do? bored out of your mind waiting on the rangers game? just somehow stumbled upon this site, accidentally found this thread and thought you would chime in? come on man.

My question - why in the hell would you front money to any provider to fly them out? Find someone local. I find it quite interesting that any man from another state would go out of his way to rip a provider off, he must love wasting hours and throwing cash out the window. A provider would NEVER rip anyone off. Just saying
Disney world in a wheelchair? Sounds like fun
That's definitely an issue I would have expected to be disclosed prior to making promises of a fun day at the Happiest Place on Earth!!

I've heard many many ladies say that he has tried to lure them out to Tampa. Why does he want us Texas ladies so bad? Because he's already been blacklisted by every Tampa girl for his antics?

Sorry, but this guy's grammar, spelling, and multiple handles says enough for me.
Jules has a flawless reputation, and her posting in the powder room brought to light a lot of similar stories regarding this guy.

I'm happy you're coming back to TX, Jules.
Lesson learned!! xoxo
then what did cause you to register today? nothing else to do? bored out of your mind waiting on the rangers game? just somehow stumbled upon this site, accidentally found this thread and thought you would chime in? come on man.

JP Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
Well why dose anybody join the board when they do? I happened to join today and yes saw the alert of Jules, and posted my observation of this woman. Why is white trash called white trash? Now I have said what I needed too say about this topic. Please carry on.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
Why is white trash called white trash? Originally Posted by mikemile41
same reason douchebags are called douchebags...i guess. not that i've ever called anybody a douchebag. that would be wrong. funny though that a guy that just registered a few hours ago can call a girl white trash, just based on this thread/alert.

The white trash comes from the way she talks too other people on the boards and her looks. Calling it like I see it.
I have no dog in this fight, but to either expose the "new" mike or put a red herring to rest, would one of you mods run a quick IP check to see if the "new" mike is posting from Florida? If not, it's kind of hard to be in Plano, Texas and Tampa, Florida at once. But if he's posting from Florida, well, he's pretty much popped, isn't he?
Jules I am coming to your defense here. BigMike also asked me to come to Florida to stay with him. I went through the screening process and was trying to find time to get there. Then I was in chat one day and me in him got into it about something stupid & i dont know why, I guess Mike was just having a bad day and took it out on me. I have done nothing to him. Anyway, after all the drama in chat I clearly decided that I was not going to see an asshole. Then I read the alert Jules wrote in the powder room and reading lots of other womens stories about the same incident made me sick.
So Jules i'm clearly taking your side in this one. Dont let anyone ruin your spectacular reputation around here and anyone who wants to take his side, let them, they are not worth it.
What kind of rip off artist flies a lady out, gives her at least $350 and then doesnt want a session? Don't know who to fully believe but both seem to agree that money was paid and no service given.

Which brings me to the cardinal rule of hobbying: guys, never pay in advance!
Randall Creed's Avatar
It does seem kinda strange to travel for that far for only $350. That'd be a lot of time invested only to get THAT much....or that little.

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
What kind of rip off artist flies a lady out, gives her at least $350 and then doesnt want a session? Don't know who to fully believe but both seem to agree that money was paid and no service given.

Which brings me to the cardinal rule of hobbying: guys, never pay in advance! Originally Posted by BigEddie
The kind who is a con artist that thought he was going to rip me off with a week full of sessions for $350 bucks and a roach motel. This is a business and he went back on the deal once I got here. My time and money has been wasted.

Im sorry but has anyone other than rambro ever thought about the fact that I flew all the way here. If my intention to rip him off for a measly 350 bucks I could have just stayed home and never went!!!! I dont know anyone in Tampa I had no other reason to come here other than him asking me to.
I don't post up very much but I feel like that I have put in my .02 cents on this. First of all let me start by saying that I have never met Jules nor have I spoken with her. I do know that she does have a stellar reputation on the board and there are plenty of people that have positive things to say about Jules. I do find it kinda odd that the handle of the individual that this thread is about and that mikemile both contain the same name in the handle. These are just my observations.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The white trash comes from the way she talks too other people on the boards and her looks. Calling it like I see it. Originally Posted by mikemile41
Although I have never met Jules and don't even really know her, she looks very lovely to me and so I don't know why you would say something so cruel.

With that being said, " ... from the way she talks to other people on the boards and her looks ..." it would appear that you have an agenda, whether you're the original poster of this topic or someone who wants to throw a nasty bone into it for personal reasons.

What new member would supposedly KNOW so much about the posting habits of a seasoned person on this board?

Your posts are suspect.

As to the soured naysayers who are suggesting that all escort are thieves, you must not know the essence of many of us. For me, it's a calling and something that I enjoy. I also very much respect my special friends and client base in this demimonde. To read what others are saying is rather sad.

And shame on you! You'll find bad apples in all sectors of society. Not just in this one. Of course, this philosophy can be left to another topic.
