How much is Bucks Cab Dallas VIP usually including the girls?
I went to Bucks Dallas and it was horrible,
Also how is the VIP room? Is it completely closed off?
Would like to try it.
CAB East Daytime is far for me.
Looking for new places to try.
FS is available in ALL clubs, except maybe BDFW. It's just about cost.
Cab East Daytime has the best setup as a private, curtained off room is cheap. Not much selection but I was there this week, day shift and saw 4 black dancers that were attractive enough.
Bucks Cab Ft worth has better selection but less private.
Bucks Cab Dallas, late afternoon has a nice selection but VIP private enough for FS can be a bit much. Bottle service at least
I hear Lipsticks can provide what your looking for but as the amount of privacy is almost none, not sure how.
Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing