Can Men and Women that are Attracted to each other Just be friends?

No, eventually alcohol or nature will set the wheels in motion.. Originally Posted by krusty
I have a friend and I trust her with my life, love her love her family. We were always affectionate but never even thought about doing anything, Then one night in Austin we were there without our spouses and we had a little to drink and well..... The rare and good news is that neither on of us every said a word about it and remain affectionate but have never gone there again..please notice I said rare so be prepared to loose a friend.

"Lovers come and go, friends are hard to make and harder still to keep. Work on it, it's worth it" - LuckJack
Yes its possible. You just got hard at it...once the friendship is over, its over.
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 08-05-2010, 02:39 PM
This is an easy one...of course.
OldGrump's Avatar
I'll bet it's possible Kelly. Let's try .... oops, I lose.
Yes, I think you can be, even if ya'll are doing the nasty.

Some of my best friends are guys who have had their heads buried betwixt my thighs at one point or another.

Haha I just used 'betwixt' in a sentence.
I have a great gal who is good friend that I've wanted to bang right from the very start. Unfortunately, she has never felt that way in return LOL but we are still good friends. she knows that if she changes her mind I'll be right over.
Mister Tudball's Avatar
I have some very beautiful, desireable women as friends. Under different circumstances, I'd do 'em in a heartbeat. But as things are, I'm very happy and content to have the pleasure of their company and friendship.

I've also had ex-lovers with whom I remained friends after the passion had ebbed.

So, yes, between the right people I think it's very possible. Sounds like that makes me kind of odd, though.
berkleigh's Avatar
I say long as you have self control from both parties. If you both value the friendship then you shouldn't cross that line...IMO. EXAMPLE: I know I am attracted to Surge.....good lord I think most of us are ....he is very charming but I Like his friendship and don't Want to feel awkward later.
men and women can be attracted to each other, fuck each others brains out, and still be friends, really really good friends, because that's what friendship is all about, not being selfish and sharing what you have to offer.
I may be different from many of you. In my life, I have had and do have many more female friends than male friends. I have my hunting, cycling, drinking, sports watching male buddies. And some of us have been close friends for up to 40 years. I find it harder to have "close" male friends than female friends, but I still have both. Even my 1st wife, of 6 years, still considers me a friend and I consider the same way. We both re-married and have children, but she still calls me when she needs some honest, unbaised advice. I consider that an honor and my SO thinks it is special, too.

I have had sexual relationships with some of my long-term female best friends, but when I go married to my SO, those sleep-overs stopped. Those gals are still my close friends and one is even one of my current business partners.

So, somehow I have found that I could develop friendships with women, have it become sexual and senual and still be great friends outside the bedroom. Maybe they deserve the credit for maintaining the balance instead of me.
dodger's Avatar
Excuse .. that was "the Dannie" that said that ..

Sure .. you can be friends with someone you find attractive. Can be a friendship with no romantic direction. But I'd still want to have sex, if she was willing. And those times when the situations have arisen in my life ... have been great.

Can I have the hots for someone and be friends and not have sex? Yes ... been there and done that, too. But it wasn't as much fun ... in fact, it was always a regret.

lilsmurf's Avatar
Bestman200600's Avatar
After the first good date you are friends. After many dates, who knows.
Papacorn's Avatar
Sure - I work with mostly women, many that are highly attractive. It is a case of mutual respect to not cross the line. Friends out in the world too, you just have to manage the relationships for what they are, and not cross the lines unless both agree.

I do however agree with some of the points above, that once you fuck, that shit is ALL changed! I guess that is how I manage those kinds of relationships...