Only one thing to do.

Good example of what's going bad about this country. You want to talk deplorable. Nothing I wrote is partisan. It only serves to protect our rights to a free and fair elections. That fact that you take exception demonstrates a certain feeling of guilt. You know that the democrats are cheating. You're fine with it on the surface, your side and all, but you also know that what they are doing is not what this country is supposed to stand for. What do you stand for? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Why don’t you shut up man.

Lol. Y’all Trumpys say the dumbest shit. Trump lost and Biden will be sworn in as president in January. The will of the people is that Trump get the fuck outta the White House and get his dumb ass to Maralago and hide from the NY AG and the SDNY attorneys.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
He wont be able to hid they are coming for his orange fat ass
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Federal law is pretty clear on elections as is some state law if they don't change the law in the middle of an election. If a state cannot abide by the law, federal or state, then the election must be held again to protect the votes of the legal voters.
Any laws in place at the start of voting (thanks to the democrats that is now 90 days before election) must remain in place until after this election cycle is completed and that means the first week of January.
Polling operations shall be open to registered poll watchers at all levels. Failure to do so will result in the detention of the obstructing official(s).
Voting rolls shall be verified for completeness and accuracy every two years before a general election. The dead, convicted felons (in most states), and non-citizens cannot vote in a federal election. Each qualified citizen shall have only one vote in a federal election.
Mail in voting is highly subject to fraud and will not be authorized for a federal election.
The state's and municipalities are responsible for the segregation of state and federal ballots should the state not want to maintain the federal requirements for ballot health. Failure to do so is a federal felony.
All voters shall be required to present ID at the place of polling at the time of voting. Absentee ballots must have a legible signature that matches that on file and a legible postmark prior to and the day of the election during the time the polls are open.

Any state in violation of two or more of these laws must hold their election again within 20 days. Properly verified absentee ballots must be retained to enfranchise distant voters.

Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, North Carolina, and Illinois are on notice. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

arizona too!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
This is a lie. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
The New York Times disagrees with you...or they did a few years ago.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-06-2020, 08:35 PM
Wouldn't that be a hoot if the US Supreme Court rules that what the Penn. SC did was un-constitutional and the 5th and deciding vote was cast by Amy Coney Barrett. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Biden is going to be so far ahead that is isn't even going to be an issue.

But it is the Trumpers last great hope.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
and there this issue of 21,000 dead people voting in PA election.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Man, this thing is getting worse by the hour for our voting system. Michigan has now admitted that there was a "glitch" in their software, that may have miscounted as many as 6,000 votes for Trump and gave them to Biden and here's the kicker, this software may have been used in 30 state elections.

Can you imagine if all the things being alleged by Republicans are true and the only remedy, because I can't believe we would do this all over again, would be for the "State Houses, State Representatives and State Senators, tell their electors ( if this can even be done, I have no idea ) that they can take all these errors into account and direct their electors not not pick the percieved winner in their state but the other guy if it seems the error affected the losing candidate to an "unreasonable disadvantage"?

Yes, yes, I know, I'm speculating but damn, this could turn into a very, very big deal. We have boards disregarding orders from the courts saying "we believed they were just suggestions not orders" and are violating the law. If you violate the law, there must be a remedy. You can't just say it was no big deal, we'll do better next time.
winn dixie's Avatar
Why don’t you shut up man.

Lol. Y’all Trumpys say the dumbest shit. Trump lost and Biden will be sworn in as president in January. The will of the people is that Trump get the fuck outta the White House and get his dumb ass to Maralago and hide from the NY AG and the SDNY attorneys. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Dims just cant control their hatred! shut up dumbest shit get the fuck outta dumb ass--- All in a few sentences!

Did you graduate? You live alone dont you! SIGH----This is the common dim behavior!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-06-2020, 09:03 PM
and there this issue of 21,000 dead people voting in PA election. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
It would not be an issue if you could understand wtf is written.

It said they were on the rolls.

Nothing about 21k actually voting.

And it looks like Biden will be ahead by at least 50k.

btw only 3-4 thousand that the SC ruled to count but set aside.

The math does not work for Trump in Penn.

The math for Trump looks bleak in Arizona.

winn dixie's Avatar
It would not be an issue if you could understand wtf is written.

It said they were on the rolls.

Nothing about 21k actually voting.

And it looks like Biden will be ahead by at least 50k.

btw only 3-4 thousand that the SC ruled to count but set aside.

The math does not work for Trump in Penn.

The math for Trump looks bleak in Arizona.

. Originally Posted by WTF
Just avoiding the facts that voter fraud is real!

Hows that vip avatar werkin fer ya big bubba? lolling
Just avoiding the facts that voter fraud is real!

Hows that vip avatar werkin fer ya big bubba? lolling Originally Posted by winn dixie
No silly boy, it is not. It is the Republican lie that they cannot help but perpetrate upon the masses.
winn dixie's Avatar
No silly boy, it is not. It is the Republican lie that they cannot help but perpetrate upon the masses. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Alright! fair is fair BOY!

The dims have stolen the election with precision! Atlanta philly arizona las vegas detroit all have prominent voter fraud specialists in place! It is stupid and naive to not see it!
Stolen - in states that are Republican. So stupid.
Oh, by the way, Trump Lost
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
blue counties can ruin things in a republican state