Treatment for Tiger

Fast Gunn's Avatar
It is unbelievable to me that anyone with such a gorgeous wife as Elin would not be satisfied.

How much hotness does one man need?
Even a hottie can become a cold fish.
Then again, with addiction it is not a matter of reason.
Part of any addiction is impaired thinking, defective core beliefs which distort reality; and SECRECY, you must not let anyone see the real you or you will be hated for it . . .

Impaired thinking.

Then, too, if she is a high maintenance b*tc*, it only aggravates the problem.

But no way is his behavior her fault.
The question is whether trust can be restored to the relationship.
I hope so for both their sakes (if they wish) and the kids.

The man needs to get back on the golf course. If Kobe can overcome anal rape charges, Tiger can shut some people up with a few wins.
JohnnyFarangly's Avatar
'Sex Addiction ' is mostly psychobabble and a fad.

Sex is a human need exactly like food.
How we obtain it today is very different than our instincts and heritage.
And of course, if we go to Jack-in-the-Box for food, that is fine with society.
And of course, if we go to Jack-in-the-Box or AMP-in-the-Box for sex, that is illegal.
ok, i will stop
Sex addiction is real. It is NOT psychobabble. Sex may be a human need like food, but there are people who are addicted to eating in unhealthy amounts. Anything done in excess is bad and can lead to developing problems.

I agree in this case that Tiger is probably doing some PR for himself currently.

I believe what Tiger said about his wife is that she stopped putting out, same reason a lot of married hobbyists tell me they see ladies themselves. If they're not getting it at home, they have to get it from somewhere. I swear, providing has taught me if I ever get married to never stop giving of myself. With my previous SO of several years, he eventually quit putting out, which lead me to delve into the hobby far more than I intended. Heh. On my end I was discreetly getting my daily supply of O's, because tons of y'all love to please a woman too. Win-win all around!
simpleton's Avatar
Can anyone here understand the temptation that goes with being young, good looking, and unbelievably rich. Wherever the dude goes I'm sure there's a chick that wants to fuck him. If he was a rock star nobody would say a thing about 14 chicks. But he plays golf and was very careful in creating an image he couldn't live up to. I have no idea about his home life and what happened. How many chicks has 50 cents fucked? I'll bet anyone it's much much more than 14 ladies. I agree the rehab was to help his image. Which could be another problem down the rode. He needs to learn to be human and quit acting like he's perfect.