Fuck It!!! He broke the law. Impeach him.

They love to construct a straw man argument and not have to think to hard while repeating their worn out talking points. Libtards are a disaster for this country. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
As your party is full of straw men?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wrong again, it was the Supreme Court that stopped Gore from becoming President!

We have found another dim bulb! Originally Posted by bigtex
Little help from Dubya's brother, too.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They love to construct a straw man argument and not have to think to hard while repeating their worn out talking points. Libtards are a disaster for this country. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You wouldn't know a "lib-tard" is you kicked his ass with your bare fists!

Munchmasterman's Avatar
They love to construct a straw man argument and not have to think to hard while repeating their worn out talking points. Libtards are a disaster for this country. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
As he constructs a straw man argument and repeats his worn out talking points.

Are you aware what the stock market closed at?
cowboy8055's Avatar
Obama won't get impeached.
I can't see this country impeaching it's first black president.
flghtr65's Avatar
Yep, it's true. Obama broke a federal law when he released five pretty nasty terrorists without consulting Congress. He fucked up and more ways than one. The only good for the Obamatons is that we are not talking about the VA now (but we will be again, guaranteed) or Benghazi (people are starting to make the comparison between his reaction to Bergdalh the deserter and his friend the ambassador). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, Obama did not break the law. Congress was advised quite a while ago that Bergdalh could be released. When all of the details were worked out, Congress was notified 6 hours before the swap was made. You can throw out your impeach idea.

I've been reading a number of your thread lately. I love how you claim to be a conservative with conservative values yet you're a hobbyist. Originally Posted by Thecrimsontide
That's going to be difficult for JDIdiot to answer off of the top of his pointy little head.

Please give him some time to scan through his Breitbart and FAUX News "talking points."

Once he has scanned through the entire page, he will try to get back to you!

Remember though, he only reads at 7 words per minute. Thus, it may take awhile.

When JDIdiot has someone to assist him with words more than 4 letters in length, he breezes through at the lightning fast clip of 18-19 wpm.

As an aside, JDIdiot's favorite book is "My Pet Goat." He can even read it upside down!
rodog44's Avatar
You wouldn't know a "lib-tard" is you kicked his ass with your bare fists!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If you and the other libs on this board can defend this pres after this, then there is no fucking hope for any of you. Burgdahl is a traitor and so is the communist motherfucker that made the deal to let these killers out of jail. As a matter of fact that makes you ignorent libs traitors by association. He can let killers go to kill americans but cant pick up the phone and get our marine out of Mexico. ALL OF YOU LIBS ARE NOTHING BUT SORRYASS PIECES OF SHIT.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-03-2014, 06:32 PM
Yep, it's true. Obama broke a federal law when he released five pretty nasty terrorists without consulting Congress. He fucked up and more ways than one. The only good for the Obamatons is that we are not talking about the VA now (but we will be again, guaranteed) or Benghazi (people are starting to make the comparison between his reaction to Bergdalh the deserter and his friend the ambassador). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Good to know you have all the phone lines bugged between the White House and the Capital.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-03-2014, 06:35 PM
That is the problem with you libtards. You believe that all conservatives are bible thumpers that think they are pure. The failure to understand that there are far more that believe that the government is too large, taxes are too high, and the government needs to get out of our private lives than there are those that believe that we should be a theocracy. There are a great number of conservatives that lean more to the libertarian principles than you would understand. Many "conservatives" are beginning to come around to the libertarian way of thinking. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Then they need to kick the Thumpers to the curb and start nominating quality people who can put forth those principles and give the electorate a chance to vote that way. It might be a nice change. Gary Johnson was not someone that most people could take seriously.
If you and the other libs on this board can defend this pres after this, then there is no fucking hope for any of you. Burgdahl is a traitor and so is the communist motherfucker that made the deal to let these killers out of jail. As a matter of fact that makes you ignorent libs traitors by association. He can let killers go to kill americans but cant pick up the phone and get our marine out of Mexico. ALL OF YOU LIBS ARE NOTHING BUT SORRYASS PIECES OF SHIT. Originally Posted by rodog44

Americans are considered innocent till proven guilty, except in the minds of the far right. Peckerwood retards.
JD, Obama did not break the law. Congress was advised quite a while ago that Bergdalh could be released. When all of the details were worked out, Congress was notified 6 hours before the swap was made. You can throw out your impeach idea.

http://news.yahoo.com/obama-congress...-politics.html Originally Posted by flghtr65
You don't read your links very well, do you?

Officials said delaying Bergdahl's transfer in order to comply with the congressional notification rules would have interfered with two of the president's constitutional authorities: protecting the lives of Americans abroad and protecting U.S. soldiers.
Then they need to kick the Thumpers to the curb and start nominating quality people who can put forth those principles and give the electorate a chance to vote that way. It might be a nice change. Gary Johnson was not someone that most people could take seriously. Originally Posted by Old-T
Not your thumper argument again. Stop highjacking threads and trying to out members.
flghtr65's Avatar
You don't read your links very well, do you? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Congress was notified. You skipped the first paragraph didn't you?

President Barack Obama on Tuesday defended his decision to release five Afghan detainees from Guantanamo Bay in exchange for an American soldier's freedom, saying his administration had consulted with Congress "for some time" about that possibility.
Oh, I read it. In lawyer speak this is muddying the waters. His administration said one thing, he says another. From your healthcare posts its pretty obvious Obama could shit in your mouth, call it candy and you'd agree.

Then why did the Obama administration give formal notification Monday to Congress after the transfer had happened?