Houston's Finest in Action

ratboy jam's Avatar
Using the Hyatt for Post busts?? What about all the civilian women that sit around the bar?? Buying them 9 dollar drinks and dinner then going upstairs with you...paying in one way or another....
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
BTW, I have stayed at that downtown Hyatt on many of an occasion. Sounds to me like the downtown Hyatt property is becoming very friendly towards law enforcement. Sortof surprising, really. Wonder why?

I used to get it all of the time when I used priceline.com

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

That's old, old, old news, Elisabeth, dating back to at least when Chief Bustaho Hurtt moved his worthless ass into the Hyatt when he first took office. For all I know the varmint continued to live there at taxpayer expense for the duration, while he maintained his primary residence in Arizona. It's even been bruited about that hotel staff have acted as ersatz deputies in that place.
blowpop's Avatar
I wonder if photographing her against her will while she's nude would constitute a sex crime? My guess is that the excuse would be "gathering evidence" but I'm pretty sure the police use special digital cameras that encode the images to detect tampering, so the chain of evidence can be maintained.

I doubt their phone cameras have this capability. I hope Ms. Pastorini rakes them over the coals.
While it may not be seen as a sex crime, it certainly is a violation of state and federal civil rights. Taking nude pics without someone's permission is clearly against the law. There is no law enforcement objective in taking them. It will be interesting to see if a lawsuit is pursued.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
While it may not be seen as a sex crime, it certainly is a violation of state and federal civil rights. Taking nude pics without someone's permission is clearly against the law. There is no law enforcement objective in taking them. It will be interesting to see if a lawsuit is pursued. Originally Posted by virile40

Your avatar is ... ahhheemmm, distracting to me. You don't happen to be blond if that is a picture of your stomach, are you? Jeez. My trip to Houston just can't come quick enough. The masculinity of some of you just comes through the text and pages.

At any rate, I would doubt if she pursues it. If anything, she probably wishes to put this event in her life far behind her. Drudging up a lawsuit would be ugly. And knowing women like I do, they don't like putting themselves out there even though there was such a wrong committed. But who knows? I agree with blowpop, but I generally do. Grill 'em.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
That's old, old, old news, Elisabeth, dating back to at least when Chief Bustaho Hurtt moved his worthless ass into the Hyatt when he first took office. For all I know the varmint continued to live there at taxpayer expense for the duration, while he maintained his primary residence in Arizona. It's even been bruited about that hotel staff have acted as ersatz deputies in that place. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
That I didn't know such news shouldn't be surprising. I'm horribly out of touch and I have missed my regular trips to Houston and keeping up. Still, it's too bad about that property. I really liked the rooms there and I prefer downtown Houston to stay.

How can he be a resident in Arizona and just not move to Houston? Guess I need to learn more about it. I had heard about a bust at The Hyatt awhile back as well. I wonder if this is reason to distrust ALL Hyatt properties now?

Have they turned? Generally, the higher end properties turn their head. But with the Crown Plaza (well not high end but nice enough) and now the Hyatt doing this ... who is next?

Sorry for the thread drift.

Elizabeth, I agree that she should let sleeping dogs lie since no apparent damages from those pics. Her attorney says she has no idea where the pics are. The media should pursue that just for the record. If the cops were smart, they would have deleted them by now since, if they ever did surface, that would be a sure winning lawsuit for her. By the way, I am not blond but do work those abs hard.
Htowner's Avatar
If you are caught with drugs , they take pics and take the evidence.
Now they can't take the evidence of nudity by the accused , except for images of it, however taken. They can blur the face or restrict it to who gets to see it, attorney, DA, judge or what not, but they are not just doing it for thrills.
Nudity was conducive to the act they were busting her on. Do you honestly think they need her permission for that? Get real.
  • meryt
  • 08-05-2010, 11:07 PM
If you are caught with drugs , they take pics and take the evidence.
Now they can't take the evidence of nudity by the accused , except for images of it, however taken. They can blur the face or restrict it to who gets to see it, attorney, DA, judge or what not, but they are not just doing it for thrills.
Nudity was conducive to the act they were busting her on. Do you honestly think they need her permission for that? Get real. Originally Posted by Htowner
But if they've made their case on audio, were the pictures really necessary? I think they could have been doing it for thrills, using the arguments you cited as a pretext to get away with it. I'll bet those assholes showed those pictures around to other vice cops and had a good laugh over them.
Agreed. They're wasting everybody's time and money with these shenanigans.
abdclub's Avatar
I just think the whole episode is absolutely F***ing pathetic!!

Brooke Wilde's Avatar

Your avatar is ... ahhheemmm, distracting to me. do. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

+ 1,000,000,000.00
  • meryt
  • 08-06-2010, 12:43 AM
Her attorney says she has no idea where the pics are. Originally Posted by virile40
They're probably encrypted on the hard drive of every Houston vice officer's home computer.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 08-06-2010, 03:17 AM

Houston's Vice has always had a large budget. Too bad it wasn't spent repairing our streets.
Kudos to whoever that chick was for sticking to her guns. I have said this many, many times, that just because you are being arrested for one thing, doesn't mean they can do things like this to you.

I love how they won't tell you what the memo said, it was probably something along the lines of, "Dude, we fucked up, we have to let this chick go before she gets us fired".