What we don't know is how many lives have been SAVED by instituting gun free zones. I was in the army years ago and the LAST thing I would have wanted to see was allowing soldiers to have possession of guns at all times. Lt. General Miley, who is responsible for all doings at Ft. Hood, has made it perfectly clear that he does not support soldiers carrying handguns unless authorized to do so. I think he understands the circumstances a little better than you or I do.
Second, I'd be willing to bet that a person could walk into a gun show where everyone might be carrying a handgun and kill/wound just as many people as Ivan Lopez did at Ft. Hood before someone could kill him.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Do you really believe that? A three star general...he has a driver, his own vehicle, and I would bet that today that driver has a weapon in that vehicle. What does a three star know about a corporal who has to protect his, or her, family from someone who decides that soldiers need shooting after all according to Senator Hillary Clinton, that's what they signed up for.
A military base is like a medium sized city. They have houses, parks, community centers, shopping, and work. We have seen the SCOTUS overturn anti gun laws in Washington DC, Chicago, and New York City. Maybe we should set our sights lower. Imagine a city where almost everyone is actually a marksman with a weapon and is allowed to carry.