Another Hillary Accomplishment to write home about...

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
what's funny ... another worthless, lying cunt with no accomplishments will WAX the floor with GOP ass in 2016

suck on that laughing boy Originally Posted by CJ7
You don't have a lot of respect for our current president or women. I thought you were one of those who said that Barry was NOT a rope sucker. Now you call him a cunt....maybe you knew him in college too.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
its not necessarily what I want, its what's going to happen because the GOP can't field a player capable of stopping a woman ..

now that's funny !!

Originally Posted by CJ7
How sad that the only person the democrats can field is that "worthless, lying cunt with no accomplishments".
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-06-2014, 06:19 PM
How sad that the only person the democrats can field is that "worthless, lying cunt with no accomplishments". Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

how sad indeed for the dems ... rightwingers can't beat a piece of shit ... that's FUNNY !!
what's funny ... another worthless, lying cunt with no accomplishments will WAX the floor with GOP ass in 2016 Originally Posted by CJ7
Have to agree. Especially if they get Rand out of the way early. Liberty and freedom, especially for minorities disproportionality imprisoned for victimless, non-violent crimes will be a major, winning platform of hers with him gone. She'll get my vote if the repubs can't find someone to challenge her with the same agenda.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
how sad indeed for the dems ... rightwingers can't beat a piece of shit ... that's FUNNY !! Originally Posted by CJ7
Buy people like you will vote for her. That has got to be the worst.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Have to agree. Especially if they get Rand out of the way early. Liberty and freedom, especially for minorities disproportionality imprisoned for victimless, non-violent crimes will be a major, winning platform of hers with him gone. She'll get my vote if the repubs can't find someone to challenge her with the same agenda. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Maybe we should start executing more white people to even up the scales of justice?
Buy people like you will vote for her. That has got to be the worst. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I am glad that JD Idiot has finally realized how stupid of a mistake it was for him to vote for Governor Sarah Quitter.

Better for him to learn late than never. Perhaps he is not as big of an Idiot as we thought.

Nah, he's still an Idiot and always will be.
Maybe we should start executing more white people to even up the scales of justice? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
That probably will be the repub alternative . I think the winning strategy will be to imprison less minorities and less Caucasians. The race card is definitely there to whip out though, for any opposed.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I didn't know Hillary was a governor. I know she quit her job as a senator and she quit her job as a Secretary of State when things got rough.

Hillary's mini series gets cancelled and Sarah gets ANOTHER series. Sarah is beating Hillary and Katie Couric right now.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I think the winning strategy will be to imprison less minorities and less Caucasians. Originally Posted by nwarounder
What if they are committing crimes?
What if they are committing crimes? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Not sure what you are missing? The strategy is to eliminate certain laws that imprison people for victimless, non-violent acts that the repubs support.

No law, no crime, no imprisonment.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have an idea. Why don't we demand that Congress and the White House find out happened to the $6 billion?
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 04-06-2014, 10:01 PM
Madame Clinton spirited the money out of the State budget to pay for her botox treatments of course. The botox job actually only cost a few thousand. The rest of the millions was to buy the silence of the medical team. The 1st batch didn't take. It left her too lumpy, hence her mysterious seclusion awhile back which was said to be due to a fall and bump on the head.

Just remember. You read it here first.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Only if or because worthless, lying cunts with no accomplishments like you, CBJ7, will support and vote for Hildabeast. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Along with 53 percent of American voters.

But while we're at it, Twat of the Year, please list your accomplishments. Start with the GED...