P411 use it or lose it

There are many reasons a gentleman may not have recent ok's.. Originally Posted by melannie_star
Ever since P411 changed the "Okay" system, some guys have gotten lazy and/or just forget to send the okay request. Tsk Tsk.

That might be one of the reasons . . .
oldmarine's Avatar
Maybe I have been lucky but I have not had a problem getting verified even though I have not had any recent activity. Maybe it's because I have many okays spread over the last six years? Who knows? My gaps in apparent activity are because I have a habit of getting stuck on one provider for a while. When I find someone I really like I stick with her until we part ways. Usually because she moves or leaves the hobby.
On some occasions yes. Glad I am not the only one encountering this. I have been around since aspd days, not that it matters. From my own personal experience any lack of tcb or timely screening, I know just to move on and not waste anymore time. I have learned the hard way, the experience wasn't all what it turned out to be. I don't have recent okays among many reasons, I don't hobby much rarely, and usually stick with the same gals for easier screening/ none since they have seen me. I really don't see a need to get an updated approval and like oldmarine said, maybe the guy had seen a gal quite a bit. I understand the safety aspect and no knock on the ladies that need the actual refs vs just okays. I just go with the ladies I click with on initial communications from the conversation to prompt screening.
myfavhobby's Avatar
In the “real world” ladies see men for a combination of reasons, most that we will not fully understand. In the hobby world, with the exception of the donation, this is true too. The donation is the big motivator but there are still other attributes that each lady must see in us to pass muster. A session to be really good must be fun for both parties. We have a set of attributes that the lady must have for us to contact her, she has a set of attributes we must have to be accepted. I would guess that screening is her only way of discovering those attributes and her own method of screening is the only way that will work for her.
Even following up with reference can vary. I was contacted once and the gentleman had a period of time without ok's and was a member of another boards as well. I give some the benefit of doubt since I'm not that active as well, Even lost my VP status here.

Both provider contacted me back stating he was "OK". Guess what he was not with me he got so drunk then put me out of his house. I was shaken up so bad on my way home and wondered what happen. So I contacted the most recent provider who so call said he was ok. Guess what apparently he got really drunk with her as well but he went to her place, and apparently he was so wasted he spent the night there. So the reference check is Not always Full proof.
  • hd
  • 05-07-2015, 10:27 AM
I've never had an issue using P411 and usually never have many up to date OK's, mine are few and far between. But I always make first contact through P411 so they can screen me.

Now though, seems any providers I see are on eccie and I'm considering dropping P411 just to save the subscription fee. If provider wants more info than eccie can provide, I'll move on to someone else.
monkeyseeyou's Avatar
I visited Phoenix a few months ago from the east coast and contacted a local lady through P411 having well over 30 OKs. Unbeknownst to me, the lady I contacted reached out to the FIVE most recent women I saw. Since I'm also a sometime hobbyist, she was reaching back in a couple of cases to women 12-18 months ago. Luckily for me, every single woman she contacted remembered me and gave me the A-OK. It was a little bit taken aback when I learned of this, but then again, I respected her mightily. I worry about ladies who don't check. So yes, although P411 is expensive, it's well worth it and the women have every right to check. Just my 2 cents.
I visited Phoenix a few months ago from the east coast and contacted a local lady through P411 having well over 30 OKs. Unbeknownst to me, the lady I contacted reached out to the FIVE most recent women I saw. Since I'm also a sometime hobbyist, she was reaching back in a couple of cases to women 12-18 months ago. Luckily for me, every single woman she contacted remembered me and gave me the A-OK. It was a little bit taken aback when I learned of this, but then again, I respected her mightily. I worry about ladies who don't check. So yes, although P411 is expensive, it's well worth it and the women have every right to check. Just my 2 cents. Originally Posted by monkeyseeyou
And that is a PART of screening I see from true professionals. It is what separates the escorts for the regular hooker. Her screening is thorough so when she says yes, she is doing so with confidence.
  • eyefo
  • 05-09-2015, 10:50 PM
After a great deal of research... probably around 100 hours or so... I entered the hobby, and the first thing I did as a result of the research was to join P411.

This was in 2010-2011, and to apply and have the application approved at P411, you would have thought I'd applied for security clearance with the FBI.

There were several reasons for going with P411 --- being able to find legitimate safe providers, have a safe way of communicating and arranging dates, and last but not least, a way for providers to verify me.

I simply did NOT want to fill out and go through all the questions and applications providers often wanted if you didn't have P411 credentials.

So for me, the $100+ bucks per year for P411 is absolutely worth it.

As a practical matter, it is your ticket to ride, especially if you don't have some dates under your belt.