Banning Requirements

shorty's Avatar
Come on Naomi, I know you got something to say!!
What I would love to know, is why certain people are getting points for "Thread Hijacking" and others aren't?...Hmmm really makes ya wonder....Obviously life isn't fair, I think we all know that, but how about if you're going to give someone points, let them be justified...Or better yet, let the reasoning behind it be it really that difficult? ....Point blank, giving one person points for a thread hijack IMHO is ridiculous, take a bloody look around and look at how many people hijack all sorts of threads everyday...So why then aren't 70% of board members getting points for it as well?...Would anyone who gives out the points like to explain?....of course you wouldn't...

As far as London being banned goes, all I'm going to say openly on THIS forum, is it's really not a good idea to be banning/pointing/whatever ridiculousness it is to well known and respected ladies...For they have much much more influence over this industry than one may think.....That's all I'm going to say on this board,for if I say anything else, it may be interpreted as "rude, mean" and that's against the rules...oh wait, what are the rules again? They seem to be a bit inconsistent and some are just made up as they go...

I'll say my piece on this matter on other boards I post on that don't have petty pointing systems, boards that have far more members, and that are actually well respected...I will certainly blog about it and I think I may even send a mass email out from my yahoo account to everyone in my address book (mind you, there are thousands of email accounts in it), since my clients trust me, I think it's best to warn every last one of them about the corruption on this site, and to stay far far away from it....

Oh, and for those of you who are wondering why am I posting this in public and not addressed my questions and concerns to a mod...Well I have, and haven't received any response (wow there's a shock)...I find it amazing that I get a response from Mods if it has to do with sex, or they want to see me, or if they are warning me, pointing me etc....But they can never answer a simple question such as this one?? Is it that difficult? Really? ...So no one has the answers as to why some get pointed to hijacks whist other's don't?....Or is it because you really can't answer them, because that's not the REAL reason you pointed someone, quite clearly people are biased, either way, BAD move.....I would however like to point out my respect for IKE, he once pointed me for something and didn't know all the facts, well I emailed him and explained the real situation, so he looked into it, and realized it was wrong and took the points back....It takes a much bigger person to admit when they've made a poor choice as a Mod, and an even bigger one to clear it you have my utmost respect IKE....

Bottom line, this is a hooker board....not kindergarten... we are all adults, and yet we can't speak our minds....I mean we can't talk about sex all day and be raunchy as hell, and that's ok....but talking about something else will get you in trouble....I'm pretty sure this post will get me "Banned"...and that would only make what I am saying even more valid...I don't care, I'm done with this board...No one in "management" can admit when they are wrong or have abused their authority, they certainly can't apologize....If I was the owner of this board, I'd have a real long think about the actions that have been taken recently, and their repercussions...

I'm out.

...what am I going to do without my London . Originally Posted by Naomi4u
They are trying to get all three of us...that was the plan all along...
Yes Charles, Life isn't fair. That was my point exactly. People have been getting away with alot more than London does. This was a petty offense with a somewhat major ban. If the Mods or Powers To Be do not want a particular person on the forum, then just come out and tell that person they are not welcomed here!! Originally Posted by shorty
I stick with my previous comment. I strongly suspect there's a lot of other stuff besides a "thread hijack."

Personally, I think London adds a little spice to our community. However, I (also personally) do see some of the repartee in which she engages as being quite destructive. It's kind of like adding chiles to tacos: the right amount is great, but too many makes you sick.

And this shouldn't bother her a lot since she gets nearly all her business from another site.
Did you know that no matter what type of forum you go to whether it be this type, soccer moms sharing recipes or a purse forum this type of shit will go on. There are little factions just/unjust bannings, tin foil hats, fuck the board manifestos. It's the fucking internet and while some paths from here may actually cross in real life this is still ONLY the fucking internet. Anyway, I'll shush up now so people may continue to wax all windbaggish and smart like and shit.
Naomi4u's Avatar
@ Val
Naomi4u's Avatar
They are trying to get all three of us...that was the plan all along... Originally Posted by Valerie
It's obvious.. very.
They are trying to get all three of us...that was the plan all along... Originally Posted by Valerie

Dammit if they get rid of all three of you, I"m out also . This is just some crazy politics. I come on here to unwind from my day or just cut loose. Why are people taking things too serious on what is said ? ?
shorty's Avatar
Dayum Valerie!! You Go Girl!!
Naomi4u's Avatar

Personally, I think London adds a little spice to our community. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Yes, She did.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Come on Naomi, I know you got something to say!! Originally Posted by shorty
Mehn I think I'm on the verge of getting banned... nope!

They are not going to discuss pointing/banning with anyone. I wouldn't want them discussing any points I might have with people. It's a private matter kept private. Kinda like your healthcare information.

So, to ask specific questions about a specific action is fruitless. They are certainly not going to answer your pointed questions. Heck, they may choose not to answer London's.

And, if you're vain enough or paranoid enough to think they're after the three of you, then go ahead and think that. IMHO, they're too busy to target specific people.

That's my .02.

Best wishes, CT, and stay safe out there.
Wakeup's Avatar
...and opinions are seeked out... Originally Posted by johnnybax
Come now need to give yourself points for that grammar. I've sought out other opinions and they agree with mine.
TexTushHog's Avatar
From vbulletin's website:
We do not discuss infractions, disciplinary actions or bans with other users.

There is a lot more to the story here than a thread hijack as some have suggested. Originally Posted by johnnybax
And therein lies the problem. With no transparency, rumors run rampant (so and so was banned just because she hijacked a thread). Why not put it all out in the open. Transparency breeds confidence. It will also arguably deter some who might well be deterred (although some admittedly won't be deterred at any price). But any closed process of discipline breeds suspicion, rumor, and lack of confidence.

I don't particularly care about this case. In fact, I'm having a hard time remembering just who this gal is as opposed to some other gal. But I do care about the board and it's future.
onehitwonder's Avatar
If in fact the system banned her (not a Mod) I'm pretty sure the 'fellas' will gather and discuss. I doubt very seriously she will be gone for the whole 90 days. I could be wrong... I have been wrong once or twice before...... but not often..... Just sayin.......