Taboo Bedroom conversations

That you aren't sure if it is a boil or just a pimple coning to a head
Cpalmson's Avatar
Any conversation that could reveal too much personal information. Here's my number hated question from a provider; what is your job? I think most providers don't even think about this one being sensitive, but it is for some of us. Most providers are wise enough/experienced enough not to ask about family, but they overlook topics that could make some of us uncomfortable. Also for us guys, some of us run our mouths too much. be careful of the conversation and how it flows. Once had a session where I let my guard down and revealed some personal info that I shouldn't have. I agree conversation is important and needed but stick to topics that can't be too personalized-- talk about sports, the weather, current events, etc. Finally, ladies don't ruin the fantasy for me. Don't tell me you have a kid or children. When I'm spending time with you, I want to concentrate on what is going in you, not what has come out of you
I had one gentleman bring up the lady he had seen earlier in the week & graphic details about her body & what they did together. No thanks.

I don't mind a guy talking about his wife & kids. A large majority of the men who hobby are married with children. It's just life. Doesn't bother me one bit.
... Don't tell me you have a kid or children. ... Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Or grandchildren...
I let the lady take the lead in this area. Generally speaking, I don't talk about work, family or kids unless she breaks the ice. Then, it's tit (yuk yuk) for tat. I'll go as far as she does, but no farther.

Mostly, they ask what I do for a living. That tends to get dicey pretty early. I've just gotta learn to lie better. lol
when it comes to asking questions I like to ask them in a vague way so that can answer the question however they feel without having to seem dogdgey about it. Usually to the tune of something like, "What field do you work in?" It invites them just talk in general about their occupational field or they can tell me specifics. i never want to come off asking intrusive question or trying to make them uncomfortable
Cpalmson's Avatar
I always say I'm a consultant or contractor. Maybe next time I should say professional pipe layer
I guess because I'm in school - I'm interested in what KIND of work my clients do. It's surprising how many are engineers...

Maybe I attract math geeks.

I'm one too!
I'm interested in what KIND of work my clients do. It's surprising how many are engineers... Originally Posted by tntangie
Maybe they're all structural engineers and they're interested in examining tall n thick up close to find the perfection.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 12-03-2011, 03:00 PM
The lady will often ask the usual stuff about marriage status, what kind of work I do, etc. I think they're just being polite, not prying.

The favorite subject for me though is when Eccie members and posts are brought up. Then the fun starts. Sooo many assholes, sooo much material.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I am pretty much an open book to an extent, but I absolutely can't stand men who want to break out pics of the wife and! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Hahahaahahaha London. So funny!

To me there is not a taboo topic.

I talk about whatever my clients wants to talk about.

It's about them. They're the ones paying. Relationship counseling is included in the rate .
one thing I hate is when guys list off a bunch of girls in the area they've been with and how they were. I like when conversations are vague such as

"I had a dissappointing date with a young lady prior to you, it's unfortunate as she was a very cute blonde"

rather than

"You know Josefinpina off XYZ board (if i don't know her they will go in great details on how you can find her), man she was lame in the sack great rack but a loose pussy"

Unless it is a topic in a mutual conversation, I want it to be just you and me, I don't really want to know about the other ladies you've eaten out . that would be like me bragging about who I've seen on XYZ board or blog. It's like talking about your ex-girlfriend on the first date. No-No
I have recently been asked mid date.. aka mid doing the deed if he came to see me again would I give him a discount. WTF. This was just not the right time. After I don't really care about what they want to tell me. You have kids? That's cool. You're married? That's cool. You're a doctor? That's cool. I just listen to whatever they wanna say. I enjoy getting to know my clients in some ways but when it comes to kids/wives etc. I usually forget that stuff when they leave.
I have recently been asked mid date.. aka mid doing the deed if he came to see me again would I give him a discount. WTF. This was just not the right time. After I don't really care about what they want to tell me. You have kids? That's cool. You're married? That's cool. You're a doctor? That's cool. I just listen to whatever they wanna say. I enjoy getting to know my clients in some ways but when it comes to kids/wives etc. I usually forget that stuff when they leave. Originally Posted by TabooTanner
he asked for a discount after he paid you?? he expected you to give some of his donation back
No he meant if he came to see me a second time this week. I had already given him a discount for P411 so I just said yeah, I'll give you 20 off but you have to choose between that discount or the P411 discount.(they are both for 20 off)