Tonight's Epic: The 4-hour Hard-on

  • romab
  • 06-22-2012, 08:19 AM
Second thought Maybe Ms Athena could have rented your finger for some unique fun time
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Good morning, all. First off, the syringe with capped needle came out of sterile medical packaging, so no worries about cross contamination, and believe me, that was the FIRST thing I thought about. My finger is back to normal today. The fellow (a non-ECCIE member, to be crystal clear) said his doctor just about choked when he heard. (Yeah, I bet this story gets bandied about the next medical convention.) Should be no residual effects, physically, anyway. But psychologically.... I had the strangest dreams about horny porcupines during what little sleep I did get.

This tops the "What's the oddest thing you've ever done during a session" question for me.
dearhunter's Avatar
That is fucking hilarious
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Yep, Tia, that's going on the screening questionnaire. "Do you use erectile enhancers? Can they be used as darts at a pub?"

To be serious, while the dialogue really is almost word for word, at the time this wasn't nearly as funny. I hid it from the gent, but I almost cried. Yes, I thought about how STUPID I was for agreeing to help him (that embarrassment bothered me more than the initial shock or the health risk, which I knew wasn't going to be life-threatening), and I'm sure many of you are thinking what a stupid bimbo Fancy was and IS for recounting this. However, I have found that turning bad experiences into good experiences, or at least entertaining ones, is cathartic. And I thought this might be a cautionary tale for other providers when someone else comes up and says, "I need help in the bathroom."
tracer's Avatar
When the only way I can get hard is by an injection in my injector, my injector will have reached retirement...ijs
Mr Turov's Avatar
This story really made my day - I literally did LOL. I am happy to hear things worked out and your finger is back to normal.
ROTFLMAO. Thanks for the story. I am glad the needle was new and not used for your sake, but that is hilarious. And, I got an education, because I have never heard of a shot in the pecker for ED. What is in the shot, anyway. Any idea? Good thing it was your thumb; imagine if it had been your middle finger, and you went around for days giving everyone the erect middle finger.

I am with Tracer...... the day I have to do that to get hard is the day I retire and become celibate. I hate needles!!!
kerwil62's Avatar
Damn, that was funny(the stickng of the finger wasn't)!! Glad you came out OK in the end!

Man, if I ever have to start shooting myself in the dick just to get hard, I'm gonna retire from fucking!
Babe I am so happy you are OK. I think when I get to that point I will just use my tongue.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
LOL Glad it all worked GF. And feel free to call me ANYTIME....Hard Throbbing Finger or NOT!!!! IJS...............
gimme_that's Avatar
Wow just wow. This is almost as good as the chicago sun thread. Classic no doubt.
I'm sorry but I gotta call bullshit on this one.

How can a sane human being accidentally get injected with an UNKNOWN DRUG, have their finger swell up and harden, and not only NOT flip the fuck out, but proceed to let some potbelly lipmdick try to fuck her while still remaining calm?

I mean, how did you know at the time that you weren't going to have to have your finger amputated or some shit?

I'm sorry but this story is just a little bit too "epic" for me to believe.
  • romab
  • 06-22-2012, 06:13 PM
Fancy Don't go hide. Next time just grab that dick with a pair of vice grips and tell to him to let you know when to let go! Still laughing my ass off everytime I play the scene in my head. R
I'm glad you are ok Fancy because I wanted to laugh but wasn't sure if it was ok.
Shogun's Avatar
This points out exactly why it's better to finger your prick than to ..........