last post, please bear with me (herpes 1 or 2)

Mouth and genital herpes are not interchangeable. To have them both he would have had to contract them both. That said, there is no real way to trace where he contracted either since both can lay dormant for years before they show symptoms. And it will never show up in a blood test until AFTER the first breakout since the test looks only for the antibodies that the body makes to fight a breakout. Hope that helps...
I'm Herpes free, get tested all the time and have had more sexual partners than I can count. Of course, I use condoms for intercourse, but give plenty of BBBJ's. And if I haven't caught it, then I'm either very lucky or it's harder to catch than you think. You think you got it from a hand job?

OK, if you did, my only explanation is contaminated lube/oil/gel that she used. If she jerked off a guy and then with a dirty hand reached in to her jar of lube and contaminated it, then maybe....

You definitely should talk to you doctor and get retest. Sorry for your situation.
Solitaire's Avatar
OP, considering the odds, and the sum of your play partners...

Is it at all possible that you received this special gift from your SO?

If you've only had the two encounters that you've disclosed here, and they were essentially covered, or not at all risky, then probability would favor this, even though the would not.

Best of luck
Russ38's Avatar
Do your stool float or sink? Originally Posted by riday
What if your stool does neither but stays suspended in mid-air after release? Should I talk to a doctor or exorcist?