so, ladies, if a guy contacts you for an appt but you decide against continuing in the process [cos you're not into his likes based on what he writes about, he's a jerk, has too many critical /moaning/complaining/nitpicky reviews [rather than "No" reviews], is too bizarre, divulges private info in the publicly available fields, has a bad reputation from others, etc.],
how do you go about responding to his inquiry?
a. i dont, i just delete the email or messge
b. tell him "sorry, i <insert your explanation here>"
c. tell him "no thanks, sorry." period, end of sentence, end of message.
that is, do you tell him something or nothing?
[this might be related to the "How long shold I wait for responses?" thread; but prolly not cos this thread involves people you wouldnt want to see. ]