"Stand Your Ground" - aka "Shoot More Black Kids"

Af-Freakin's Avatar
Lemme find the link to the story about the group of black kids that set a 13 year old white kid on fire shouting "that's what you get white boy." didn't know about that either randy? Go figure.

It's important to point out that the "out of left field nowhere" rant he posted is a very very good example of how progressives think. It's retarded at best and dangerous at worst. Y'all better pull my reins if I start sounding like that.

PS if it were a white guy that did this awful thing, I can promise you we'd be hearing about it way sooner. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
i guess by ur reasoning LovingKKKayla, 9 more black boys need 2 b murdered 2 make up 4 the 1 white boy. racist pig.
dearhunter's Avatar
This threAD makes me want to go purchase more guns......ijs
Af-Freakin's Avatar
This threAD makes me want to go purchase more guns......ijs Originally Posted by dearhunter
gerbilhunter, at least ur dog is mostly black.
dearhunter's Avatar
But, he has a little pecker.
gerbilhunter, at least ur dog is mostly black. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
I thinck you will be voted "Most Likley to be Ignored"
RandyCandy, the word is "college" with a "c". What country are you from? Also, it is not the law of the land like you said. I'll just say you were wrong and misinformed rather than lying. When I lived in Connecticutt I was told by the policemen investigating my break in that as a law abiding citizen I was obligated to abandon my abode if an intruder came in while I was there. They have a "no way to retreat law" in place. Some kicks in your back door and I can leave by my front door or a window then I have to. If the intruder tells me that he is not going to harm me with some demonstration of sincerity then I can't use any force against him. So I ask the policeman if a seven foot tall guy, built like a gorilla breaks into my house and says he is only there for the TV if I stand in the corner quietly, I have to let him? Yes, is what I was told. This is in a state where I had a permit to carry a concealed weapon? So get informed about is going on in the world. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Surprised you can spell college. Even though you claim to work at one.

I'm just astonished at all the commentary on this when not a single fucking one of us knows what happened there that night. Every bit of commentary I see on here is knee-jerk reaction. I've heard the shooter chased the kid, I've heard the kid attacked the shooter and had him down and was beating on him. Not a one of you dumbasses knows what happened, let the grand jury who hears the witnesses and judges their credibility decide.
BigLouie's Avatar
What is very telling is that the people who drafted the law and got it passed are now saying that they had no intention of it being applied that way. I don't know how many times I have heard this about laws.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The police told this nut to stand down, and he refused. I don't know why he wasn't arrested on the spot. He should be afforded his rights, let him have a lawyer and let him post bail. But he should have been arrested immediately. I don't know what those cops were thinking. You don't need a grand jury to indict someone on obvious circumstances.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Louie, read the law and remember it is in 20 other states. Don't post in ignorance.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I first heard this story yesterday as I drove home from work, as I'm sure most of us did. If you knew about this in feb why didn't you post? What's that? You didn't know till yesterday either?

This was on my 2 post short list of things to start. If you want kudos for Beating everyone to the post, you got them. But why do you have to be so antagonistic with it? No fruit loop is going to prod any of us into saying something we don't believe randy. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Go back and read my original post, Glenna. I've been waiting for any of you Beckian-driven/Cock Broz-financed TPers to get out in front of something that hasn't anything to do with spreading the Faux Noise usual slime of half-truths. Here was a clear-cut opportunity for any of you to jump on the misuse of an NRA-sponsored-and-paid-for POS legislation. But, Nooooooooooooooooooooooo (as John Belushi once said) you geniusae are too busy filling up space with your "cutesy" little posties about needing help figuring out the Biblical intent of using the word "right." I guess when it comes down to posting "beliefs," it's oddly apparent from the number of thread titles leaning right (in the "Biblical" sense) where the effort in pimping "beliefs" is directed.

If you righty-tighty peckerheads are all that concerned about "personal freedom," get concerned about the dead kid's, not the bloated wannabe "manly" faggot that shot him. Jump HIS ass - FIRST - without being goaded and drawn out into the light as you always have to be.

Try actually understanding the meaning of the word "antagonistic" before writing it in a sentence. Tell me, Oh-Pleeeeze tell me, that there are no other *ahem* antagonistic threads springing from the Faux Noise fountain of talking points.....
Can someone translate that to English please?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
RandyCandy, the word is "college" with a "c". What country are you from? Also, it is not the law of the land like you said. I'll just say you were wrong and misinformed rather than lying. When I lived in Connecticutt I was told by the policemen investigating my break in that as a law abiding citizen I was obligated to abandon my abode if an intruder came in while I was there. They have a "no way to retreat law" in place. Some kicks in your back door and I can leave by my front door or a window then I have to. If the intruder tells me that he is not going to harm me with some demonstration of sincerity then I can't use any force against him. So I ask the policeman if a seven foot tall guy, built like a gorilla breaks into my house and says he is only there for the TV if I stand in the corner quietly, I have to let him? Yes, is what I was told. This is in a state where I had a permit to carry a concealed weapon? So get informed about is going on in the world. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That is patent bullshit and urban legend - and you know it.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Can someone translate that to English please? Originally Posted by nwarounder
Go, speedracer, uh, I mean, speedreader.
pantsontheground's Avatar
Randy4candy, along with everyone else has been successfully brainwashed by the.media. wow.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Randy4candy, along with everyone else has been successfully brainwashed by the.media. wow. Originally Posted by pantsontheground
Nah, it's just communicable. Been in here with the foxies too long and just need a bourbon brain douche.