Ding Dong Kamala Bing Bong Hairy Poom Poom

  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2020, 04:00 PM
it does take a senile Biden - pledged to bring forth a black AA Female American citizen for VP - and nominates an Indian hindu with a white Husband and a record of incarcerating black males on marijuana charges - which she laughinigly admits to doing herself.

K. harris is no more 'black' than Trump - and female - questionable - trans - maybe!

Great Job - biden - and how is it going to play with the AA OBLM community which has been dissed AGAIN in the Four year cycle for the DPST party. AFter all - their white only debate stage - and this is the party of 'Diversity and tolerance???

DPST horseshit! Biden is a racist from Day ! - and incorrigible - and teh DPST's are the laughingstock for their Hypocrisy!!!

Thanking the Radical DPST's in advance for their abject refusal of the Rule of law and Order. The more riots- the better for the preservation of the Constitution after Nov 3!

all the DPST's on forum can stand proud - on their burning, sinking Titanic of party policy.

Lapdog's Avatar
Chicken Little regurgitates his same paranoiac fears again.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
So what is the benefit of electing a BLM activist as vice president, besides beating T R U M P?
The trump/Putin huggers are still trying to defend the liar in chief though.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
So what is the benefit of electing a BLM activist as vice president, besides beating T R U M P? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
That's kind of the point if you want to make sure you defeat your opponent. It's not that complicated.

You simply ride the wave that you can and that is what Biden is doing.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Okay. So, let's say Biden beats T R U M P. After that, how will we the people benefit from a BLM activist in the white house?
Lapdog's Avatar
Don't be greedy. Shitcanning Trump is a damn good start.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
So basically there is no benefit, just more out in the open racism disguised as social justice, healthcare for illegal immigrants, open boarders, strict gun control, defunding the police, raising taxes, etc, but at least we got rid of the orange man.

How do any of those things benefit us? I would be open to something like universal health care and possibly higher taxes or something to make that happen, but healthcare for illegal immigrants and open boarders sounds bat shit crazy. How do we benefit from that?
Lapdog's Avatar
Everything you list is an intangible. Getting rid of the POS in the White House is something we can all put in the bank. Go pull your own pud.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
That's what she talked about during her speech.
Lapdog's Avatar
She's running for VP. Trump's been saying shit he can't deliver on ever since he got into office. We get rid of Trump first, that's the key to everything.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Okay. So, let's say Biden beats T R U M P. After that, how will we the people benefit from a BLM activist in the white house? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
That's irrelevant. If you don't like the BLM movement, tough shit.

We are the worst country that has handled this virus. It's mainly because of one man with the last name of Trump. He'll be gone soon and deal with it.

Edit: I don't even know why I am addressing a coomplete idiot who is using a throw away handle.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I don't think T R U M P handled the virus perfectly. I would have liked to see stronger action in February, and even the current response is questionable, but I don't think we are the worst country that has handled it, taking population, death rate and retards like Cuomo into account. Countries like Sweden didn't even have a lock down and are doing just as good as anyone else. I don't think a perfect response exists.

But regardless, what is the point of taking out T R U M P to put in an even bigger POS?

LOL if you don't like T R U M P, tough shit. Why are you telling me tough shit? BLM is an agitated neo leftist group. I don't see it ending well for any of us, including black people, should they rise to power.

What if your making a mistake here, and the Biden campaign turns out to be worse than T R U M P? Isn't it a good idea to look at what Biden and Kamala are planning on doing instead of focusing solely on beating T R U M P?
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2020, 06:37 PM
LM - it is fine to criticize Trump - but you sound like the NYtimes and WacomPost.

Please list what should have been differently - not through retrospective knowledge - but from knowledge available to Trump and other Leaders - Pelo/Schumer/Nadler/Schiff and McConnell - at the Time of a recommended action.

Pence was the 'Virus Czar" - what should he have done differently?.

If it was handled so badly - How should it have been done differently - and only with the knowledge available at the moment.
No retrospective "I would have done this better." Pelosi and Schumer have been very critical - but I do not remember seeing any constructive proposals from them . Perhaps One can provide anything constructive and cooperative to work with Trump for the benefit of the American People that they proposed ??

I think before doing that - Pelosi and Schumer would rather walk into one of Tlaib's Ovens.

I look forward to a response.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And you know this how.......from your own extensive experience?

BAHAHAHAHAAAAAA Originally Posted by Lapdog

a little birdie told me, i think it was a crow