Opinions 30 minute appointments
I usually just do them at my homebase...that is the norm there........and besides,I am just trying to do only a few appoints the couple weeks I am home.So an extra 100 or 200 is a great shopping trip to the mall!! lol
I would rather do 90minutes ...for all my menu offers the 90 minute is best to be able to do a good full ride and really maximize the orgasms!
It really depends. When I first started, I always book the hour. I noticed we were "done" in 25 minutes - and then what happened varied. Some times convo, sometimes cuddling but often dressed and out the door.
So I booked 1/2 hour - and I found still "done" in 25 minutes and that works great for me.
I see why ladies don't prefer them - most have only so many appointments per day - so they would like to make the money for the appointment.
Yet, many don't seem to put more into the hour.
Then again, there are a few ladies who offer massage w/ FS, or who are playful, or for various reasons - an hour just works MUCH better. So I budget/plan those accordingly.
First time - again, it depends on the image/rep/reviews of the lady.
At my age - the "2nd nut" is usually too much work for her - and me!
That's what I like about this board. You can pick what works for you. I don't fault a lady for not offering or restricting - and I don't judge her if she does.