Houston's Hobby Reputation, why so negative??

Houston was always great for me when I visited, before I settled here. After moving here, business is still very steady and plentiful. Represent yourself well, and Houston responds. Austin was always hit or miss for me, as was San Antonio. Dallas and Houston are much more reliable, but that is only my personal experience.

As for Houston being "hostile" maybe it is. There are definitely some trolls here who get off on getting a rise out of thin-skinned ladies and gents. If you aren't too easily riled and are capable of ignoring the riff raff, you'll find Houston very pleasant. I do.

And obviously we are not all trashy, ghetto, tatted-up thugs. The guys you've seen complaining about that are probably shopping in the Walmart section of hooker world and complaining about getting Walmart quality at Walmart prices. There are plenty of classy, reputable ladies here. We just generally charge more than Walmart shoppers are willing to pay. Hope you enjoy your visit!
Thank you all. I was not insulting by any means. I am asking, and bringing to light the rumors. As an outsider, I am inquiring about the hobby climate there. I can see how this could come across as offensive, and for that I apologize. The reputation still stands. I was under the impression that the beautiful, upscale ladies were plentiful there. Recently though, I have heard it said that there were not as many desirable ladies as I thought.

The primary reason for starting this thread was to get yall's opinions.

Why do so many Houston Ladies come here to south La? They never seem to go back to Houston. My curiosity begs the question. I wouldn't say it's the "cream of the crop". Still coming here in droves no less. Poor hobby climate is the impression I have been given.
boardman's Avatar
I blame Wakeup
Eden Reign's Avatar
I am often in SW La. for my "real world job" therefore, I usually run an ad while there. Poor hobby climate has nothing to do with it at all in my case. I simply have a real job that brings me to Louisiana quite often.

Addressing your original question, there are several non-reviewing guys that are horribly rude. A thick skin as Caroline stated is best when reading their posts. The "thug" type providers are in fact in every city. I do not believe Houston has a higher population of such providers.

Houston is truly an amazing city and I'm sure with proper marketing you'll do well.
Why do so many Houston Ladies come here to south La? They never seem to go back to Houston. My curiosity begs the question. I wouldn't say it's the "cream of the crop". Still coming here in droves no less. Poor hobby climate is the impression I have been given. Originally Posted by April Cox
I've both lived and hobbied in south Louisiana so I might be able to shed some light on that. From my experience, many of the ladies who traveled from Houston to places like Lafayette usually did so because they knew they would have less competition there. There's only a handful of decent providers there and when a travelling provider would roll into town their phones would usually blow up as soon as they posted an ad. I compare it to chumming the waters in an area infested with starving sharks.

I can also say from experience that there are many more "beautiful, upscale ladies" here in Houston than in Louisiana. That's just a fact.

In short, if you're so hesitant to come then by all means stay where you are. I'm not saying it to be a dick.. Just do what's best for you.
Wakeup's Avatar
I do not understand why you guys and ladies can not get your act together. Originally Posted by April Cox
How about you go fuck yourself...and while you're at it, keep your fat, skank ass in LA where your kind belongs...

That answer your question, bitch?
I blame Wakeup Originally Posted by boardman
Dammit you beat me to it.
Houston, at least in my experience, is a hit and miss city. Sometimes I come down there and do fabulous, other times-- not so much. But I've never met anyone in Houston that I'd classify as a jerk or a bad guy. There is a core group of opinionated gents here, but I've never been one to get mad at someone just because their opinion doesn't match my own.

For me, I have a few regular clients that I see each time I come down. If they can't see me, then I simply don't come. That way, even if the trip is dead, I'll at least make my expenses and a little extra for my efforts.

I didn't take the time to look at your Showcase, so I can't honestly give you an assessment of how well or poorly you might have done had you not peed in the pool so quickly. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Exactly. Having lived there for my first provider years has its perks.

To the OP, garner interest over time, and that way it won't be a flop. I'm sure it'll turn out fine for ya!
LexusLover's Avatar
How about you go fuck yourself...and while you're at it, keep your fat, skank ass in LA where your kind belongs...

That answer your question, bitch? Originally Posted by Wakeup
I guess you were at lunch.
What a pathetic excuse for a human being and an embarrassment to the male gender. I don't know if someone dropped him on his head as a baby or was too ugly of a baby for the mother to love..who knows.

The disrespect towards providers and assholiness towards hobbyists purely indicates a truly miserable person and a definite misogynist.
How about you go fuck yourself...and while you're at it, keep your fat, skank ass in LA where your kind belongs...

That answer your question, bitch? Originally Posted by Wakeup
Ah, yes, you, every city has one. You are allowed to exist. We have our own version of you here in our neck of the woods, neighbor! Not exactly the same, similar.

What happens over time, the gents, and ladies that may have once been influenced by your opinions realize that your contributions and opinions mean squat in the grand scheme of things, that is once they "wake up" to your ways.

Those free thinkers, those of strong mind will never fall for your narrow minded drivel.

Resorting to name calling? How elementary of you.
Wakeup's Avatar
Yep! Still true...
Prime Time's Avatar
How about you go fuck yourself...and while you're at it, keep your fat, skank ass in LA where your kind belongs...

That answer your question, bitch? Originally Posted by Wakeup
boardman's Avatar
chicagoboy's Avatar
I've read that the problem is just a "handful of assholes". Originally Posted by chicagoboy
I blame Wakeup Originally Posted by boardman
There's no denying WU is a handful - and he comes running when the Asshole Signal is illuminated - so maybe he is the "handful of assholes" all by himself.

Ah, yes, you, every city has one. You are allowed to exist. We have our own version of you here in our neck of the woods, neighbor! Not exactly the same, similar. Originally Posted by April Cox
Who is the LA version of WU?