How handle greeting a provider in public?

geecue's Avatar
Do you ignore her?

Wave at her?

go over and talk to her?

visa versa for men? Originally Posted by pickupkid

Met up with one while walking downtown, out of my corner of my eye did not know who she was. My only thought was wow hot lady coming. Looked up and we both recognized each other, let her say hi first, actually hugged and chatted a little bit. We were actually going to the same place.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
If I'm alone and you're alone, you are more than welcomed to come over and say hi.

If you are with someone or I am with someone, give me no longer than a casual glance and look the other way.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I'm single so it doesn't matter to me if the provider approaches me. I will never approach or acknowledge a provider outside of this unless they have given direct permission to do so such as Missy has above
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-18-2012, 01:19 PM
I assume the question is running into them unexpectedly. In that case it all depends upon the reationship I have with her.

If I see most ladies, I ignor them in public unless they make the first approach--and then I act as if they are a business acquaintance. I'm fortunate, I do have business contacts of all ages and genders.

There are a few ladies who have become friends first, and if I see them I treat them as I would any other friend--to do otherwise would draw far more suspicion. Since I never know who they may be with--or who might see the encounter--I always keep it "friendly casual". Maybe a quick hug if they open their arms, but I won't initiate. Ask about their kids or other question as I would any other friend.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Hopefully they gave you their real name lol.

It would suck for them to have to explain that.
pickupkid's Avatar
Now how would that work ...her private life is can't use her real name
yohollyrock's Avatar
Since I am single with no one to have to explain to--by all means ladies--you can come up to me/ smile at me/ wink at me/ give me a hug is even better!! If I saw a provider with someone--of course I would be respectful and just nod or wink.
My experiences,
They normally run in the other direction...LMAO dude!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Now how would that work ...her private life is can't use her real name Originally Posted by pickupkid
If they are friends as Old T describes I hope that they gave him their real names or that might be a bit weird. I don't think it would be smart to come up to a provider going by Annie in public with someone and calling her that when her real name is Kelly. See what I'm saying now?
pyramider's Avatar
Sounds like walking up and slapping their ass is a no-no.
Still Looking's Avatar
This just happened to me... down town Austin SXSW. Stand there with two friends, when across the street walks Sweet Lexi. We made eye contact. She waited till her SO was ahead of her and gave me a cute little wave behind his back. I just smiled. One of my friends says, "you see that chick wave at me?" LOL
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-18-2012, 02:33 PM
If they are friends as Old T describes I hope that they gave him their real names or that might be a bit weird. I don't think it would be smart to come up to a provider going by Annie in public with someone and calling her that when her real name is Kelly. See what I'm saying now? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
EA, absolutely agree. The few ladies I'm referring to are ones I do know names, where they live, kids, etc. It would indeed be dangerous otherwise!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-18-2012, 02:35 PM
Now how would that work ...her private life is can't use her real name Originally Posted by pickupkid
The same way it works for any other friend. Again, this is a small subset, not the majority of ladies I have seen.
plainjoe's Avatar
A situation that one has to plan for if in the hobby - fortunately, it has not happened to me, yet. However, you never know. My plan is to simply ignore, but as other have stated, it depends on the situation - the location, who you are with, and at what event. A slight nod, wink, nothing obvious... follow up with an e-mail or phone call (on hobby phone) to set up an appointment?

Of course, it also depends upon the provider...most of their policy (if you do your research and read their FAQs) is to simply ignore. I would take their lead.

Old-T makes a great point, call her by her provider name when her real name is something else - sure would make for an awkward to avoid by ignoring all together.
Ignore. Even if the person looks like they're alone, they may not be.

I had a client walked up to me at a mall once calling me by my "stage name" and my 8 yr old niece was with me. He started talking like everything was just peachy and asked to see me. If looks could kill.....he would've been 6 ft under. It took everything in me not to smack him upside his head.

That is why you ignore and walk on by. Call later or the next day and say, "Hey I saw you at so and so."