Why are guys afraid of P411 ?

I just don't hobby often enough for it to be worth it. And I think that's true for a lot of guys. If they'd had all this shit 20 years ago when I could have really used it, fine, I'd have belonged. Now I'm in that Mark Twain frame of mind where I'm leery of any club that would make me a member. Which brings me to my REAL point: Anybody can be anybody to anybody on the internet. You want your DL photo ID to join? You can get it from the guy right next to the guy selling auto inspection stickers in the Fiesta parking lot on Westheimer. BSB can hook you up with a name and address from a plate search she pulled in rush hour traffic. P411 is a crap shoot like everything else.

Did I say I didn't hobby enough any more to make it worthwhile?
I was thinking about joining p411 Once. But when I called they asked for the name and telephone number of my employer. I wasn't willing to give that info.
Honestly, what do you care? If you're comfortable with it, great. Only see guys who are on it. However, don't preach to others that they are being overly careful if they are uncomfortable giving out any RW info.

BSB, I gotta tell you, it sounds like you're inferring that you collect license plate numbers, just in case. That inference makes me personally very wary of ever seeing you. I don't say that to be a dick, more of a heads up. There was once a girl here who linked a photo gallery of hers to another of license plates. A shitstorm ensued. Originally Posted by addict
Knowledge is a powerful tool. Any hobbyist that reads what I wrote can INFER that I can use intelligence when deemed absolute necessary. Its for my personal security and safety. Absolutely, I'm professional enough to not even have to come to this kind of irrational "screening method". I have better things to waste my money on other than federal background checks, because really, that's not my main job.

-Short Story here-

The only way I found out about license plates was from a customer that used to come in the strip clubs when I first started dancing. Of course, many girls dance by their stage names and some are hesitant to release real world info. I danced in my home town and I was paranoid as fuck about giving that kind of information out.

I would have customers ask me what my real name was. I would always make up a fake "real" name. "My name is Sha-nay-nay, My stripper name is big booty Judy". Of course, many guys that wanted to know real names also wanted to know real phone numbers and take girls outside of the club.

Well,...it gets to be a problem when you have a customer who's #1 intent is to research RW info about the girls, about strippers. It Is always appealing to find out RW info. One day, I remember the same customer coming back in and calling a dancer by her real first name. The girl started freaking out and told the manager.

Later on, it was found out that the guy started stalking the girl and he found out where she lived by waiting in the car after the club closed and getting her license plate information. I doubt he followed her home (She lived an hour away), but he found out where she lived. He must've copied her license plate down when she left the club.

But anyway, I don't mean to scare off anyone with the license plate story, but it's just some stuff to take note of. Personal information is HIGHLY ACCESSIBLE THESE DAYS.
LickHer's Avatar
Sure, but that doesn't mean it isn't the motivator. There are some cheap fuckers out there Originally Posted by mansfield
LOL True that!
I just don't hobby often enough for it to be worth it. And I think that's true for a lot of guys. If they'd had all this shit 20 years ago when I could have really used it, fine, I'd have belonged. Now I'm in that Mark Twain frame of mind where I'm leery of any club that would make me a member. Which brings me to my REAL point: Anybody can be anybody to anybody on the internet. You want your DL photo ID to join? You can get it from the guy right next to the guy selling auto inspection stickers in the Fiesta parking lot on Westheimer. BSB can hook you up with a name and address from a plate search she pulled in rush hour traffic. P411 is a crap shoot like everything else.

Did I say I didn't hobby enough any more to make it worthwhile? Originally Posted by phildo
LOL, I'll look up the person's GPS coordinates for you. I can even tell you the last place they took a shit at 5' o clock last morning.

But really though, if a guy tells me up front who he is (and has a tidbit of evidence to back it up) then I'm find with him. Besides, I'm very low volume and like many other providers, I work from home . We BOTH need to have adequate screening, safety, and security.

Personally, I will not take any references from providers who don't screen their clients. LE can always lie to questions like "What is your name? What do you do? Where do you work?" Its a serious Lack of professionalism and a Guaranteed fuck up waiting to happen sooner or later.
  • annoe
  • 04-23-2013, 03:54 PM
Just as hobbyists and providers are targeted by robbers because they are less likely to want to talk to the police, websites that deal in illegal activities are targeted by hackers. And even if it isn't hackers after credit card data there have been several times when p411 was hit with denial of service attacks from somebody with an axe to grind.
Guest053013-01's Avatar
There is another way onto P411. Get two providers to vouch for you who are verified on P411 and you get 6 months for free. Then just pay the fee and continue. Worked for me... My problem was more that I am self-employed. That made it difficult for their normal path.
Don't tell me how to play and I won't tell you how to screen.

Never had P411. Has it prevented me from seeing a few ladies. Sure. I ask if they will see me without, they respond with scripted response about P411, and I realize that I probably wouldn't have enjoyed their scripted session anyway.

In order for me to go get P411, I will have to get a throwaway credit card to pay for it. I will then have to provide real world information it sounds like. I only play a few times a year, mostly with RMTs who have never asked me for any screening information. Since most of them aren't on P411, I can't get any OKs.

So, if I try to play with a P411 provider once or twice a year at best, tell me how P411 is going to help me? How is it going to help you screen me? Will you accept one 6 month old okay on P411?

Seems like a lot of trouble for something I will get very little benefit from.
I personally love P411. The positives far outweigh the negatives in my case.

1. RW info, minus email address and ID, is destroyed after verification. Screening sounded painful when I signed up, but in actuality, it was a breeze. They called my work to "verify my doctor appointment time" if I recall correctly.

2. Screening is a breeze. For many ladies, they only need to see recent, reputable ok's and you are good to go.

3. The site's customer service is outstanding. Probably the best I've experienced anywhere.

4. Ladies have to be in good standing to join. Cut and pasted from their application process:

"A Preferred411 provider account is free to legitimate providers who have good reviews posted by established reviewers. An established reviewer is someone who has posted at least 5 reviews of ladies other than you, prior to reviewing you. If you do not have reviews posted as described, we may accept a reference from a P411 client member with at least 5 Okays, with whom you have had a session. A reference from another provider would only be accepted in very limited circumstances."

There are some ways around that, but in general, it appears to be a more selective process than your run-of-the-mill provider website.

5. The site is very user friendly. Plenty of search options make it easy and quick to find the type person you're looking for.

6. P411 is in Canada, where hobbying is legal (kind of). I've also read that means the U.S. can't subpoena them, but that was just another board member. No clue if its true. Helps with the comfort feeling though.

I'll just go ahead and start making my P411 pom-poms now..
  • annoe
  • 04-23-2013, 05:22 PM
"Info is destroyed" is right up there with "I only ever do this with you" and "the check is in the mail".
Dandito's Avatar
There is another way onto P411. Get two providers to vouch for you who are verified on P411 and you get 6 months for free. Then just pay the fee and continue. Worked for me... My problem was more that I am self-employed. That made it difficult for their normal path. Originally Posted by Yxes
Yxes speaks the truth! No RW info required if you get 2 p411 ladies to verify you. Got mine set up in less than a day! Best decision I've ever made.
Yes that is a great way to join through two providers but also; when has there been ANY RW info leaked from P411? It hasn't happened, we can speculate "WHAT IF's" for days! WHAT IF your SO works for P411? huh? how about that one? lol!! WHAT IF P411 works for Al Queda? Shall I keep going? lol!
LickHer's Avatar
"Info is destroyed" is right up there with "I only ever do this with you" and "the check is in the mail". Originally Posted by annoe
And I won't cum in your mouth...
  • Lahk
  • 04-23-2013, 06:11 PM
I signed up for P411 several years ago, but let it expire. I never had a problem with the service itself, only in meeting the requirements of the providers on P411.

I started with one newbie friendly P411 provider and received one "ok". Every other provider I contacted on P411 at that time (about 6 or 7) wanted more than one ok as a reference, even if they were listed as newbie friendly or with one reference (can't remember the exact text). After so many declining, I felt it was a waste of my money and of no use to me. I stopped trying to use it and just went to AMPs instead for the last few years. I'm sure that they've been happy to take my money.

Not trying to make any particular point, just sharing my experience.
Interesting thread. If one has been around these parts for more than two or three years he or she knows that this thread has surfaced before. But this one seems to be chipping away at some answers.

To wit, some men are indeed leary of P411. Not all, but some. Those who are leary are so for varied reasons. Some are fearful of RW info leaks which is always a very real possibility. The words "Client List" are household words these days. Some men are not convinced of the value while some perceive the cost to be too high. There are some scenarios where ECCIE carries the same risk as P411 but only a few. Generally, ECCIE is designed to allow more anonymity.

Good thoughts everyone.