3 per cent of Americans own half of the country's guns

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

that's a good link on the gun numbers.

so at least we have an idea of a rough number of what's out there.

mid balling this as a WAG.

assume 100 million owners
assume 536 million guns. (mid point between 412 - 660 million guns)

this comes out to 6 guns per owner.

obviously this is not correct as it is only an extrapolation.

the anti-gunners really do face a real dilemma due to the gun numbers. it really shows that gun control or gun confiscation is not practical.
I don't believe 3% of the civilian population owns 50% of the guns. Originally Posted by goodolboy
Neither do i. Of over a hundred people i know, only 8 have admitted over the years to owning guns, and only 3 have more than just a rifle, pistol OR shotgun.. None of those 3 have more than 5 guns (and yes i have been to their houses and gone shooting with some of their weapons)..
I've HEARD one guy at work when i was stationed in Guam who bragged about owning 20 guns, but he also said many of them were hand-me-downs from grandpa who was a collector..

the anti-gunners really do face a real dilemma due to the gun numbers. it really shows that gun control or gun confiscation is not practical. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
However, you often hear them saying it MIGHT Be more pratical and cost worthy to do just that, than it would be to find 11 million illegal aliens and deport them..
i knew a guy that owned over 100 firearms. He might be at 200 by now.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

the anti-gunners really do face a real dilemma due to the gun numbers. it really shows that gun control or gun confiscation is not practical. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Gun confiscation is not practical. Gun control may be practical. I have never heard of an M-16, which is essentially banned, being used in a crime in this country. The only need a person would have for an M-16 is to kill many people quickly. It is not a hunting gun. It would not be the weapon of choice in defending one's self, family, or home. To me the bump stock falls into the same category.

I think the numbers showing gun ownership in this country either matching or exceeding the number of people in the country is probably correct. The most recognized figure in the past was 88 guns per person but that could have increased in recent years. But I'll bet if anyone did a poll of people on this forum asking how many guns each person owned, the results, if people answered honestly, would be rather high. My guess is that would be true throughout the country. When gun sales surged under Obama, the consensus opinion was that most of the guns purchased were by those who already owned guns. When you look at gun ownership by state, the results vary from 5.2% in Delaware to 61.7% in Alaska according to one study. I do realize that some, if not many, people do not have much faith in such polls or studies.

I do not own a gun. I don't believe anyone in my immediate family owns a gun. Some of my friends own guns and some don't. I personally feel much safer without a gun in my home but I respect the opinion of others who do own guns.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Neither do i. Of over a hundred people i know, only 8 have admitted over the years to owning guns, and only 3 have more than just a rifle, pistol OR shotgun.. None of those 3 have more than 5 guns (and yes i have been to their houses and gone shooting with some of their weapons)..
I've HEARD one guy at work when i was stationed in Guam who bragged about owning 20 guns, but he also said many of them were hand-me-downs from grandpa who was a collector..

However, you often hear them saying it MIGHT Be more pratical and cost worthy to do just that, than it would be to find 11 million illegal aliens and deport them.. Originally Posted by garhkal
My experience is much different. I have many friends who have told me they own guns. How many, I don't know. Usually, if a couple, I would bet at least 2.

I'm not sure to what you are referring when you state "them" saying it MIGHT be more practical and cost worthy to do something. Some people like myself believe in some form of gun control, as do the majority of people in this country AND SCOTUS. No one in a position of power has pushed for total gun control or confiscation of all guns.
goodolboy's Avatar
Your average hunter will have at least a shotgun,rifle and a pistol.
Gun confiscation is not practical. Gun control may be practical. I have never heard of an M-16, which is essentially banned, being used in a crime in this country. The only need a person would have for an M-16 is to kill many people quickly. It is not a hunting gun. It would not be the weapon of choice in defending one's self, family, or home. To me the bump stock falls into the same category. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The 2nd amendment is not just about having the right to own guns for hunting or home defense though. ITS also about allowing the people to have equal arms to the govt, so they can revolt and overthrow it if it gets tyrannical..

I do not own a gun. I don't believe anyone in my immediate family owns a gun. Some of my friends own guns and some don't. I personally feel much safer without a gun in my home but I respect the opinion of others who do own guns. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I own several BB's, most plastic but one metal pellet.. ANd am trying to do the stuff needed to get my CCW permit so i can own a pistol..