Alert: member is a rapist and threatens lives

no one has stated that you or anyone else deserves any type of violence..

it sounds like you had the tests done today.. is that right?

if this did happen today, then how did you know he did this to several other providers so soon?

did you post this alert in the ladies section?

where he could not see it and then there would be no chance that he could "run" before being arrested?

just curious
DaniDoesDoIt's Avatar
You clearly haven't been a victim.of rape and threatened. Spent hours with police and at hospital for rape kit and other testing. As for the other women, not hard to fond when they posted incidents also, and when the police have reports about the person who did this. Now they have his name, address , family members names and where he works. So whatever you want to believe , I don't give a rat's ass about. When allowed to release the rapist name I will do so , very loud and proud that a rapist has been stopped and I can get on with my life. We females have rights like everyone else in this world and I'm standing up for mine. I have never done anyone wrong to deserve what he did to me , nor what your saying in response to this either.
You clearly haven't been a victim.of rape and threatened. Spent hours with police and at hospital for rape kit and other testing. As for the other women, not hard to fond when they posted incidents also, and when the police have reports about the person who did this. Now they have his name, address , family members names and where he works. So whatever you want to believe , I don't give a rat's ass about. When allowed to release the rapist name I will do so , very loud and proud that a rapist has been stopped and I can get on with my life. We females have rights like everyone else in this world and I'm standing up for mine. I have never done anyone wrong to deserve what he did to me , nor what your saying in response to this either. Originally Posted by DaniDoesDoIt
if the other ladies had reports about him, then surely they "released his name" or handle.. other wise you would not have known.. and if you did know, why did you see him?

and if the police knew about him before, why didn't they arrest him then?
corona's Avatar
You clearly haven't been a victim.of rape and threatened. Spent hours with police and at hospital for rape kit and other testing. As for the other women, not hard to fond when they posted incidents also, and when the police have reports about the person who did this. Now they have his name, address , family members names and where he works. So whatever you want to believe , I don't give a rat's ass about. When allowed to release the rapist name I will do so , very loud and proud that a rapist has been stopped and I can get on with my life. We females have rights like everyone else in this world and I'm standing up for mine. I have never done anyone wrong to deserve what he did to me , nor what your saying in response to this either. Originally Posted by DaniDoesDoIt
Thank you for reporting it and following through. This fucking guy needs to be deleted from the planet.
DaniDoesDoIt's Avatar
They didn't have his real name and other females were afraid of his threats. I don't need to justify anything to you as it proves you are someone who believes that because I'm on this site, I have to take whatever someone does . Well your wrong and I won't continue to try to defend myself to you. I've done the right things, filed a police report, had a rape test and all other test to make sure he didn't have a disease and now waiting for him to be arrested. So please stop making me relive what happened as I'm struggling to handle it enough all ready. You have a right to your opinions, but I have the right to stating the true facts and to get justice . So if you would please leave me alone, his name and arrest will be updated as soon as I know they have him in custody. And to all the female on this site, please be safe and beware of those who defend a rapist over the fact that someone was raped , hurt and threatened. True character of such people , could end up with them doing the same to another female.
how in the hell can anyone defend anyone they don't even know??

right now your story is pure allegation.

if it's true, then the police should have already arrested this guy by now..

actually since you stated that the police already knew who he was/is, they should have arrested him a long time ago..

i look forward to you posting his handle in the immediate future (like by tomorrow)
Randall Creed's Avatar
Man, shut the fuck up and leave this woman alone.

You don't know enough to be talking all this shit...unless you're worried that you're the rapist.
Bobave's Avatar
Unfortunately this doesn't surprise me. There are way too many socially conservatives dickheads in LE. Originally Posted by Ron_Mexico91
Right is right and wrong is wrong. Okay.
But you're another one of those pukes who has to bring politics into everything, thereby distracting from the original issue.
DaniDoesDoIt's Avatar
As soon as they arrest him it will be posted. Please refrain from the statement it this story is true, as you may not believe me, but I know it's true and will not continue to defend myself to you. You are causing me more stress and believe it or not, I can't handle much more. Life right now is hardest thing to keep doing right now, as I feel like I'd be better off not surving what that monster did to me. So I'm hoping I can sleep and not continue to see what happened over and over all night. If it makes you feel good to cause me more pain, then you must be the happiest many on earth. Coz I'm crying, shaking and deeply afraid from what happened. Ive never caused any problems nor done anyone wrong, so please let me deal with this horrible attack the best way i possibly can.
Bobave's Avatar
Man, shut the fuck up and leave this woman alone.

You don't know enough to be talking all this shit...unless you're worried that you're the rapist. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
And you don't know enough to be taking sides. I'm not Honest Abe's defender, but he has asked some reasonable questions. What's your dog in this fight. Hmm?
Ron_Mexico91's Avatar
Right is right and wrong is wrong. Okay.
But you're another one of those pukes who has to bring politics into everything, thereby distracting from the original issue. Originally Posted by Bobave
My comment was in reference to a poster discussing LE's indifference toward providers being victims of crimes. If you don't think that at least some of this has to do with personal morals that lean on the conservative side, you're in denial and I don't know what to tell you.

You tell me, have social conservatives ever been tolerant of the profession?
Randall Creed's Avatar
And you don't know enough to be taking sides. I'm not Honest Abe's defender, but he has asked some reasonable questions. What's your dog in this fight. Hmm? Originally Posted by Bobave
One, it's a sensitive issue and, for the time being, deserves the benefit the doubt. They don't need some fucking moron acting like piece of shit, ambulance chasing lawyer or trying to play 'bad cop' without knowing all the facts.

How COULD he know, and why is he so defensive? Why? Whyyyy?

Instead of saying sorry for your troubles, he's acting like a rogue cop trying to cover his tracks.

Sounds like bullshit to me.
DaniDoesDoIt's Avatar
Well you professional opinion is one of pure stupidity. It want a session gone bad, by a hooker who lies mother f**ker. You are as worthless as the rapist as I'm sure you feel you have the right to do as you please and no one can do anything to stop you. Well as far as you believing me, I don't give a rat's ads, s I lived thru the attack and have reported to the police , taken the rape test and the photos of the beating he inflicted on me during the rape, so you can go straight to hell for trying to blame me and defend him. Your as sorry a person as he is.
Well you professional opinion is one of pure stupidity. It want a session gone bad, by a hooker who lies mother f**ker. You are as worthless as the rapist as I'm sure you feel you have the right to do as you please and no one can do anything to stop you. Well as far as you believing me, I don't give a rat's ads, s I lived thru the attack and have reported to the police , taken the rape test and the photos of the beating he inflicted on me during the rape, so you can go straight to hell for trying to blame me and defend him. Your as sorry a person as he is. Originally Posted by DaniDoesDoIt
can you post the photos as some proof? with a newspaper as a date stamp..

why didn't you mention that he "beat" you in your original post?

don't you think that's important information?

just curious
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-07-2018, 11:37 PM
Man, shut the fuck up and leave this woman alone.

You don't know enough to be talking all this shit...unless you're worried that you're the rapist. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Maybe you're the pimp? My statement is as stupid as your outburst, if I were in her shoes, I would have been at the hospital with LE instead of responding to ISO ads.