No to AlizexPleases

Jacket_cowboy61's Avatar
This totally shocks me about Alize !! I have seen her numerous times and she has never been anything but nice and accommodating. Holsteinman im not disputing what you said . I believe you. We have talked many times over the years and exchanged provider information. all I'm saying is give her a chance to "make it up to you " .
Who needs a psychiatrist?
Just log into ECCIE where the scrutiny, examination and interpretations are abundant!
Hey Oracle, as you've given your opinion of a well defined process that occurs through these series of events between male and female social behaviors, I do have a different opinion.

And I quote Oracle :

"From about 18 to mid 20's is when a woman's value is highest and she is getting the most attention from men, thus why she can get away with endless shenanigans during that window of time".

Shouldn't the old saying ....Fool me twice, shame on me .... fall into consideration here?
It's just the way us females are wired at that age.
Young boys are too stupid to see it. Older guys should just know better.

"Combine that with western society and it's encouragement of women to be "sluts" and "sexually liberated" while their in their prime years"
Western society is actually behind the curve from many countries that have legalized adult sex work and liberal sexual advertising.
Western culture still clings to the Leave it to Beaver mentality.
Those gals who stand against this are as free to do so as the bugged eyed drooling dicks looking to poke anything with a warm hole.
THEY are just as much to blame for this revolution as the girls who flaunt.

"in other words, around the ages that women are heading for their decline in market value"
Always great to be referred to as a commodity ....

"Problem is, there is usually consequences of all that silly, frantic behavior women engage in during those years that they don't think about in the long term that some unsuspecting guy is going to have to, and is expected to, deal with when the all the "fun" is over"
And the MEN typically have a clean slate? Give me a break.
How come it's ok for a dude to have fucked 200 girls before he decides to settle down but all the sudden a girl is a slut if SHE does?
Chauvinist attitude INDEED!
At the least, I would think you might be impressed by our business savvy and the dough accumulated while doing so!

Last thing .... ALIZE, hun ... I'm really not sure of the exact circumstances, but we live and learn.
Hopefully if you are on the up-n-up, you will see the mistake and correct it.
Seasoned providers are called seasoned for a reason .... and we've all had our falls.
Just get back up and dust yourself off girl!
Carmella_love69's Avatar
6 hour drive is a long way. Im just curious on how long was the appointment set for?
AlizeXPleasures's Avatar
Torre Tames thanks hun i appreciate it. Carmella the apt was set for an hour
I'm just happy to know that Oceanaire is open for lunch during the week. I'm usually there on the weekends and it doesn't open until 5!

Seriously, a quick text is all that is needed. But I always appreciate when someone admits wrongdoing and offers to try to make it right. Kudos.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
From about 18 to mid 20's is when a woman's value is highest and she is getting the most attention from men, thus why she can get away with endless shenanigans during that window of time. Combine that with western society and it's encouragement of women to be "sluts" and "sexually liberated" while their in their prime years, and for them to try their best to behave like and compete with men, and you get this cocktail of batshit crazy, chaotic behavior that most women exhibit at that age.

After that, the tables start to turn and there is a sharp decline in value and that's usually when they are trying to lure or pressure some guy into marrying them. Hence, why the average age of marriage is around 27 for women and around 30 for other words, around the ages that women are heading for their decline in market value and men are ramping up into their primes. Problem is, there is usually consequences of all that silly, frantic behavior women engage in during those years that they don't think about in the long term that some unsuspecting guy is going to have to, and is expected to, deal with when the all the "fun" is over. Originally Posted by TheOracle

MGTOW Google it. Originally Posted by Bobster36

Damn, VG, I'm starting to think you don't like women. Originally Posted by johnclark
I love women JC, I just hate what they've become.

Unfortunately, the state of men of the same age is worse and it's the fault of men who abandoned them instead of sticking around as fathers to lead by example. Originally Posted by filbone
I commend you for bringing forth the obvious...Yet no one else gets it?

THEY WEREN'T ABANDONED - Most of those men WANTED to be in there children's lives. And fought HARD to do so.

But the women and the rigged FAMILY COURT SYSTEM destroyed there families and there lives - See picture above for clarity.

CG2014's Avatar
I'm just happy to know that Oceanaire is open for lunch during the week. Originally Posted by B Three
I stopped going there because they keep raising prices and getting stingier with the portions.

This is from one of the last times I went.

$27 for a 4 oz piece of Salmon:

The nighttime price for that it, slightly larger in size but not even 1/2 lb, about 7 oz, is 45.
I threw a Christmas Party at an Oceanaire and the mass prepared food was meh. I went back the next night and had one of the best meals of my life.

But the cheap oysters on Sunday night are a good thing.

So, the lady apologized. Are we basically done here? LOL

I'm not closing anything, but not much more to say, right?
CG2014's Avatar
For less than the $27 I paid for that sliver of Salmon at the Oceanaire, I can get any one of these at Pappadeaux:

Photos of actual Pappadeaux entrees I've eaten for lunch there, all under $25.
only on ECCIE can a NCNS thread be turned into a photo of a piece of fish and asparagus..
CG2014's Avatar
It's pertinent to the thread.

To ilustrate how another lady NCNS a lunch meeting at Oceanaire and how ladies in the 20 something age range share the common trait of having no common courtesy, having lack of communication skills and how many of them are not able to keep appointments.

Also since Oceanaire was mentioned, there are folks who have never been to Oceanaire who may want more information about Oceanaire;

therefore it's always good to have hindsight and share any information before it's requested.

Information and Knowledge is Power.
I still think CG should have his own section on here... better than the sandbox
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-06-2019, 01:40 PM
I still think CG should have his own section on here... better than the sandbox Originally Posted by cage196
CG should change his name to Google man, he has all the latest internet stories and news flash. I don't even need to watch the news anymore, you need your own feed CG
fred_flinstone's Avatar
I was tired of watching those silly judges on Chopped so I come on eccie to find more of the same
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 03-07-2019, 01:51 PM
I almost saw AlizeX a few weeks back. I wish I had been able to. We never even actually set an appointment, but her communication with me was fine. Not sure if this will help anyone else, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

I stopped going there because they keep raising prices and getting stingier with the portions.

This is from one of the last times I went.

$27 for a 4 oz piece of Salmon:

The nighttime price for that it, slightly larger in size but not even 1/2 lb, about 7 oz, is 45. Originally Posted by CG2014
And it's overcooked!