Here's a Question for everybody!

tracerxxx's Avatar
Thanks everbody! it was something brought up at a M&G awhile back.. Ya'll are a great bunch of people..

And I myself dont have an SO and even if I did I would have to stay and make sure they was taken care of...

So ya'll Stay Safe and Have Fun!!
call 911 and leave the notel......but please, give them the room number of hotel. if I am conscience me get the condom off and direct me to my car.....Then call 911 for me in the parking lot. lol
I really can't see how someone could just walk away.If you did leave,what the heck would you tell that person after the fact? And then if the person came back to the board,or any board,would they tell everyone that such and such left them there to die? How crappy would that be........
Lady's & Gent's your with a client/provider and he/she has a heart attack or something.

Would you:

Hall ass and never look back.
Call 911 then hall ass>
Call 911 & wait for EMS
Call 911 / wait for EMS & go to hospital

This is what I would do..
Call 911/ wait for EMS & go to hospital.. Originally Posted by tracerxxx
Been there done that and it was one of my first appointments as an indy ever. Scared the SHIT out of me..but I somehow managed to stay calm. Option 2 was mine..because also got someone to call his wife who worked very close to the hospital.

Lol very good question. I would definitely make sure that I call the EMTS then clean up and get dressed as well the client n wip off the make up that might be on his/her face body ect so that I do not get myself and my client in trouble by his family member or his spouse.then I would go somewhere. Close to the place we were at and spy to make sure he/she actually got into the ambulance in one piece

But think bout the EMTs they have to ask you what you are doing there and how you know this individual.... What would you say!???
aka Mike Hammer's Avatar
I think the EMTs are not going to violate the patient's privacy. That's a HIPPA Act violation as far as I understand it. They have to ask questions, and partly because of HIPPA they do ask who you are and how you know the individual. They're not going to divulge the dirty secrets to anyone without legal basis. If they did, the patient could sue the pants off them, the company, etc.
I think the EMTs are not going to violate the patient's privacy. That's a HIPPA Act violation as far as I understand it. They have to ask questions, and partly because of HIPPA they do ask who you are and how you know the individual. They're not going to divulge the dirty secrets to anyone without legal basis. If they did, the patient could sue the pants off them, the company, etc. Originally Posted by aka Mike Hammer
I don't think HIPAA extends to cover illegal conduct. Having said that, I don't think EMTs would alert the police. However, when you call 911, all first responders are dispatched, one of which is the police. They do have the right to investigate any potential illegal conduct.
aka Mike Hammer's Avatar
I don't think HIPAA extends to cover illegal conduct. Having said that, I don't think EMTs would alert the police. However, when you call 911, all first responders are dispatched, one of which is the police. They do have the right to investigate any potential illegal conduct. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Two people having sex is not illegal conduct. That's why you tidy up the financial stuff. Frankly, I'd be willing to bet that uncle LEO really isn't terribly interested in why you were having sex unless there are drugs involved, and I'm not talking the blue pill. Besides,they don't like doing the paperwork. That's my take from having heard officers talk about dealing with working girls.

Bottom Line: when someone else's life is on the line, worrying about your own ass getting in legal trouble is lame.
Call 911 and stay... It's just the right thing to do.
vantruck's Avatar
Call my UTR...finishing what she left off... Then go visit her at the hospital.
well you cant exactly diagnose a heart attack with your cock... but for the sake of arguing, if one did have a heart attack, i would get a full history for EMS, put her on oxygen, take a blood pressure, give her some nitro...some asprin if she hasnt had any in the last 6 hours. if she was still in pain and her blood pressure could take it, i would give her some morphine. then its off to the cath lab.

But think bout the EMTs they have to ask you what you are doing there and how you know this individual.... What would you say!??? Originally Posted by sexxienadia
i think the EMT's will be able to figure out what you are doing there. and they wouldnt be interested in the fact that someone was paid or not paid. They would probably want to know what you knew about his medical history.
I think the EMTs are not going to violate the patient's privacy. That's a HIPPA Act violation as far as I understand it. They have to ask questions, and partly because of HIPPA they do ask who you are and how you know the individual. They're not going to divulge the dirty secrets to anyone without legal basis. If they did, the patient could sue the pants off them, the company, etc. Originally Posted by aka Mike Hammer
not really...HIPPA just covers personal, SSN, DOB, medical problems.
that would be like saying if there was a bunch of blow all over the place they couldnt say anthing about it because of privacy. its actualy somewhat of an important piece of info that he was fucking when it all started. did he take any cock pills? if so, his treatment is much different.
Like Milfnextdoor, I would be ethically obligated to call and stay with the person. Since ALL my clients are undressed on my table, I would (as always) make sure that they were properly draped.

After calling 911, I, too, would probably give them an aspirin, make sure I am properly dressed before the EMTs arrived. I don't know if I would go to the hospital or not but I would make sure that the EMTs had my contact info.

I hope this never has to happen to anyone. As a side note, the medical crew DOES need to know if the patient has taken any "enhancement" meds so keep that in mind!
TexTushHog's Avatar
But think bout the EMTs they have to ask you what you are doing there and how you know this individual.... What would you say!??? Originally Posted by sexxienadia
I'd say, "It's not in my best interest, or his, for me to give my name or answer any questions. And if I were you, I wouldn't want to be the one who tells his family where he was when he was picked up. If you say a motel, just tell them he was in the parking lot, if you can." Then leave ASAP.