Oh those Nazi's

Ripmany's Avatar
Nazi cause lots of woman for the men left
Eastern Europeans do not look at World History the way Western Countries do.

Many tend to look at the National Socialist (NAZI) as a good idea that Hitler messed up with his insanity.

Implemented correctly, they feel NAZISM is a very efficient form of Government.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Eastern Europeans do not look at World History the way Western Countries do.

Many tend to look at the National Socialist (NAZI) as a good idea that Hitler messed up with his insanity.

Implemented correctly, they feel NAZISM is a very efficient form of Government. Originally Posted by Jackie S
No different from the Looney-Left, Pantifa(gs) and ghey what-nots who believe that this time Socialism will actually work - Piny-swear.