Vote For Me To Appear In Show Magazine!!

threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Yea I know what its really about. Who can get more friends to go vote and not really about the best pictures. I wasn't 100% serious.

What about all the people you've called names and disrespected so badly? Do you want all them to vote too? Even all the old people? What happened to you didn't need this place, or anybody here? Just wonderin?
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Dannie can I come by to use your computer to post my ads because I just spit lemonaide all over mine from laughing at your post!!
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar

Kaylee, yours is particularly appreciated. Keep em coming please, please, please! I am definitely not the hottest girl on there (the girl at the top is sensational!), but I think it would be awesome to have an ECCIE girl featured in a nationally circulated magazine. I am already at 41 and I think pretty much all came from you guys. Thanks again!!!!
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Jules you misspelled lemonade. Just an FYI
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Ok, one more thing, I never disrespected anyone in particular. I only attempted to defend myself. I am not the kind of person to say mean things about someone I have never met in my life. I have so many provider friends of all ages and I think they are all bad ass bitches. They get their money and don't waste time criticizing people on the board. The father of my child is 23 years older than me so obviously I have always been attracted to older guys.

I don't have any prejudices against anyone so stop trying to make me out to be something I am not.
smoothnsilky's Avatar
Voted for you honey! You are very beautiful Good luck!
Ok, one more thing, I never disrespected anyone in particular. I only attempted to defend myself. I am not the kind of person to say mean things about someone I have never met in my life. I have so many provider friends of all ages and I think they are all bad ass bitches. They get their money and don't waste time criticizing people on the board. The father of my child is 23 years older than me so obviously I have always been attracted to older guys.

I don't have any prejudices against anyone so stop trying to make me out to be something I am not. Originally Posted by EroticMorgan
See, you have to remember that this is the internet and what you type stays for a very long time. Search " Provider Alliances Continued"

You did insult several people, all the "Old Hags", a few moderators, and you can say here that you only defended yourself but the truth is you came out swinging with threats of violence over an imagined slight. You wouldn't listen to good advice or reason. And after everything else you said about several people, myself included, you then said this: "I do not apologize for anything I have said. I meant every single word"

It wasn't a single thing that you said but the volume of what you said, including posts in a private forum that I can't reference here, that got you a vacation. So, do us a favor and don't piss on our shoes and tell us it's raining. And before you go denying all this, don't make me go through those threads entirely. I don't have the time for it. Johnny Longcaulking's posts pretty much say it like it is anyway. If the contest is based on your pictures, you'll do ok. At least you got nominated, right?

Dannie, you nailed it!
wolfking1212's Avatar
Voted... 5 Star
TexasCowboy's Avatar
There are times when individuals speak out of context....We all say things that after either in writting or verbally we wish we could of took it back...Simply I was wong and forgive me is all it take....

This seemed to of been said by the young lady so it just needs to deterioate and what was mentioned in the past swept under the rug..

Many individuals have said things about me, I have a tough skin and do not let me bother me...Life is to short....

!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Thank you kindly cowboy. I feel like a damsel on the back of your horse. LOL. Thanks again for all of the votes guys!! I know they have almost all come from members. You girls should apply too. If I don't make it, I would be really happy to see a fellow provider grace the pages.

It is an awesome magazine if you have never seen it. Really gorgeous girls and excellent photography. It is a good opportunity to promote ourselves in a different way!!
Invisible1's Avatar
Morgan: gave you a vote with the most stars. Good luck babe. Nice to see you back on eccie....
I voted, Morgan. Good luck.
I for one had to vote for another lady. She's pretty hot. Not sure about her attitude... but I think her genuine SMILE said it all. I like genuine people like myself. She seemed so happy to be there not just to be showing off her booty... You're still pretty tho... but had to be honest. Sorry. Wish you the best.

I just searched her name.. and WOW.... I was blown away. I had been told... but never researched as hinted before... above... but.. Yeah.. I guess I'm an old hag too... not Gorgeous, killer face, BEst in Dallas.. (with 34 reviews), "the most well reviewed"... The sexyist... . Hell, if Jules entered I'd even vote for her. Go for it Jules. I'll vote for you over right now.

Old hag,
Amber LOL

or was it OLD hoes?
KittyLamour's Avatar
Ditto Amber. Can't stand fake.
As for an eccie girl being represented... I can think of much better representatives of pretty is as pretty does. I think Jules Jaguar, Barbie Desire, Alyssa Nichole or Sapphire Sweet should enter.
I remember your posts...the jaw cracking bf, the insults to other providers. Girl, I wouldn't vote for you if you were the only girl nominated.
I say let the girl who wins honestly by honest votes get the prize. Not the saccharin sweet "model" with the inflated ego trying to brown nose her way to 1st place.
aka "Old Hag" in your opinion.
Torito's Avatar
This thread is about a contest. It is not about history or various opinions thereof.
Let's stay (get back) on track.

Lea Madisson's Avatar
Okay... this needs to stop. This is a thread about asking for a vote. But, thread hijacking is taking place and it is not appropriate here. Yes there is a past with several of y'all over past threads. Yes there was a ban and the ban was lifted. But this is not the thread for this discussion.

I am one of the ones who worked for the ban on Morgan. What she did back then was wrong. But, now that she is back, I respect the decision and welcome her back.

I will also work to support the guidelines and highjacking a thread is not allowed.

So, stay on topic. It is about voting for her for a magazine contest. If you have an issue, then start another thread, though I do not think that would be wise either.

Bottom line is that I do not have authority to police Co-ed discussion... but I can certainly take it to the responsible moderators over this forum and present my case!

I hope every post know will be back on topic.

