Gun Running: Fast and Furious

Quit trying so hard. Originally Posted by Doove
Lets not forget the TRANS FATS!!!LOL!!
It's true. Eric Holder is no Alberto Gonzales! Now there was a guy who knew how to cover for his boss!
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Nope, ain't gonna work. You either rely on your extreme "guns don't kill people" argument or you don't. Inserting caveats only when it's convenient for the purpose of stoking your Obama hatred is hypocritical, and there's no other word to describe it. Originally Posted by Doove
How about I reword it like this?

...And sometimes poorly ran government operations that put guns in the hands of the people who kill people in an attempt to blame American citizens of trafficing arms to Mexico also kills people.

Will that work for your simple mind?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-10-2011, 08:57 AM
Uhmm, that doesn't work either, this isn't about your referenced person, it's about eric holder. You can't point anywhere I said anything about the person you are referencing in this thread, can you? It's just your simple mind creating something that just isn't there and an another attempt at instigating. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Oh please. "Eric Holder" is synonymous with "Obama Administration". In other words, there's not a chance in hell you'd have posted that info if it referred to Alberto Gonzalez and the Bush Administration.

Now if the investigation leads to the top, well, I guess Nixon won't be the only person impeached for a cover-up. And I'm not saying he is involved, lets just see how the investigation progresses. Especially since holder fingered DHS boss, napalitano in his breifing. So she must know about the program also. Who else knew and when did they know.
Americans didn't give a shit about war crimes. And you and Issa act as if this is now something huge? How silly.

How about I reword it like this?

...And sometimes poorly ran government operations that put guns in the hands of the people who kill people in an attempt to blame American citizens of trafficing arms to Mexico also kills people.

Will that work for your simple mind? Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
It still flies in the face of the right wing/NRA argument that guns not only don't kill people, but also that criminals will still get guns any which way. So using the logic of the gun lobby, if they didn't get them from the US Government, they would have simply gotten them somewhere else. So no harm done, really. At least that's what i would assume using the "pro gun" logic. But then, that wouldn't aid the "anti Obama Administration" logic.

Did my careful wording of that last sentence work for your simple mind?
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Oh please. "Eric Holder" is synonymous with "Obama Administration". In other words, there's not a chance in hell you'd have posted that info if it referred to Alberto Gonzalez and the Bush Administration.

Americans didn't give a shit about war crimes. And you and Issa act as if this is now something huge? How silly.

LOL!!! that argument isn't going to work coming from you. If this operation was ran from an R administration, you'd be one of the arse-holes leading the charge.

It still flies in the face of the right wing/NRA argument that guns not only don't kill people, but also that criminals will still get guns any which way. So using the logic of the gun lobby, if they didn't get them from the US Government, they would have simply gotten them somewhere else. So no harm done, really. At least that's what i would assume using the "pro gun" logic. But then, that wouldn't aid the "anti Obama Administration" logic.

Did my careful wording of that last sentence work for your simple mind? Originally Posted by Doove
No harm done? Tell that to Agent Terry's family who was killed by guns that got into the hands of people that kill people after agents blew the whistle saying they were ORDERED to let US guns get into Mexico. Your mind does not work right if you can say, "no harm done." I feel sad for you.
Let's be honest--Issa announced that he wanted to double the House investigatrive staff from 40 to 80 when the Republicans won the House majority last November. This is the same strategy Republicans used when the last Democratic President was in office--Bill Clinton. Remember, Whitewatergate? Filegate? Travelgate? Vince Fostergate? They wail and shriek about waste, fraud, and abuse at the same time they're wasting taxpayer money, making fraudulent allegations, and abusing their offices and the public trust.

Issa's a scumbag, and the President ought to ignore him. But then again, the President is a Kenyan Muslim who engages in terrorist fist bumps and has no birth certificate, right?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-10-2011, 09:50 AM
So no harm done, really. At least that's what i would assume using the "pro gun" logic. But then, that wouldn't aid the "anti Obama Administration" logic.

Did my careful wording of that last sentence work for your simple mind? Originally Posted by Doove
No harm done? Tell that to Agent Terry's family who was killed by guns that got into the hands of people that kill people after agents blew the whistle saying they were ORDERED to let US guns get into Mexico. Your mind does not work right if you can say, "no harm done." I feel sad for you. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Learn to read.
I can't help but laugh at the irony of a gun hating President presiding over a snafu of such grossly incompetent magnitude.

Apparently, Obama only opposes law abiding Americans owning guns. Its perfectly acceptable for Mexican drug cartels to own them.

To be fair, the full scope of this screw up is nowhere close to being known yet, so I'm just waiting for more information to be able to make any judgments yet. What I find most egregious to date is the utter failure of the media to get involved. This story has been slowly simmering for months, yet it is only just now beginning to get any real play in the media. There is no doubt in my mind that if this screw up had occurred when Bush was president, we'd be hearing about it 24/7 from the day the first trickle of information came out. If this had happened under Bush, we'd all be saying "Casey who?" right now. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Another person "gets it."
Let's be honest--Issa announced that he wanted to double the House investigatrive staff from 40 to 80 when the Republicans won the House majority last November. This is the same strategy Republicans used when the last Democratic President was in office--Bill Clinton. Remember, Whitewatergate? Filegate? Travelgate? Vince Fostergate? They wail and shriek about waste, fraud, and abuse at the same time they're wasting taxpayer money, making fraudulent allegations, and abusing their offices and the public trust.

Issa's a scumbag, and the President ought to ignore him. But then again, the President is a Kenyan Muslim who engages in terrorist fist bumps and has no birth certificate, right? Originally Posted by TheTexasTornado
Actually, when Obama was campaigning, one of the issues I liked was his view that government needed to be more "transparent".seems like more businesss as usual no matter whos dair..
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Learn to read. Originally Posted by Doove
I did read it and you assume no harm was done. Sounds pretty straight forward. You didn't ask a question of really. You put a period after it, making it a statment, not a question.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-10-2011, 10:51 AM
I did read it and you assume no harm was done. Sounds pretty straight forward. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Sure, if you're a total idiot who ignores the clarifier i added as the very next sentence.

You didn't ask a question of really. You put a period after it, making it a statment, not a question.
So no harm done, really, at least that's what i would assume using the "pro gun" logic.

There, now does that work for your simple mind?
The early steps of the unraveling have begun with the head ATF guy lawyering up; watch for Holder to take his exit....that will mean that the Issa investigation is making headway....of course, if the next election results in Obama being tossed then all of this will be mute.
I B Hankering's Avatar
One has to wonder if the DOJ and ATF did a background check on those guys they gave those weapons to – smh. Do you suppose the machetes were thrown in as a bonus reward for being such loyal customers?

At Least 40 Killed In Mexico In 24-Hour Period

by The Associated Press
MEXICO CITY July 9, 2011, 08:33 pm ET

Fighting among the Zetas gang and other vicious drug cartels led to the deaths of more than 40 people whose bodies were found in three Mexican cities over a 24-hour span, a government official said Saturday.

Mexican police find 10 beheaded bodies
2011-07-09 21:16

Torren - Mexican police in the northern city of Torreon said on Saturday they found the headless bodies of seven men and three women in the back of an abandoned truck.

Police chief Guillermo Flores told AFP that only one head, belonging to a woman, was found on site, and that the killers had placed it on the truck's hood.

The truck was parked on a highway that goes around Torreon, a city where two major highways heading north to the United States converge.

Mexico has been convulsed by a massive crime wave in recent years, with about 37 000 people killed in battles among rival drug cartels and between traffickers and security forces since 2006, when the government launched a military crackdown.