thirdchild's Avatar
I had no idea I was getiing all these responses as the Powers That Be never told me I had 1 reply let alone 15!!

I'm open to suggestions, I guess we could meet at a bar or restaurant? Or does someone have a house we can meet at? We could meet here, but I have a small place...we'd have to take turns, lol (wink wink)

I think the toy collection is a GREAT idea! Or even canned goods for the Food Bank?

I've been to 2 socials in San Antonio, those were basically meet and greet, so there was no hanky panky going on...(til after the social, and away from the club) so I don't see any problem in running into someone you might know, if we keep it as a toy collection or something along those lines.

If y'all want to have it here at my apt, let me know, so I can clean this place up, lol...

BYOB sound good to y'all? 1 unwrapped toy can be price of admission...

Now all we need is a date...ummmm how bout Sat eve the 18th? 8pm til...? I really don't have a lot of room, I have a couch and 2 chairs, 4 kitchen chairs...1 bed, lol...1 get the idea, lol

HELP me y'all!

Sorry I haven't been keeping up with this thread, like I said...NO ONE told me this was getting this much attention!

call me, text me and let's try to set this up!!

IM me: sam_thirdchild on yahoo

xoxoxo...sammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m
Sydney Pure's Avatar
I am in!!!
thirdchild's Avatar
EVERYONE"S in...but no one offers a WHERE! lol
Sounds like a good time !
thirdchild's Avatar
Seems if we can't find a place this about a get together for New Years? I was thinking we could book a couple of nice rooms next to each other in a nice hotel, maybe the Overton? The back entrance is near the elevators, and you don't even get near the front desk coming in...and you don't need a room key to get in that entrance either.

I was thinking 1 room to party and get aquainted in, the other for anything private that goes on...maybe limit that to 30-45 mins so everyone has a chance to use it, if they feel so inclined...(bring your own protection! )

Other ideas still apply, BYOB, maybe a bag of chips, party favors, music...etc etc,...

Thought I'd put a fishbowl by the door for donations to defray the cost of the rooms?

New Years might be more fun, if y'all wanna dress up!! (or dress up after u get there...depending on what u wanna wear ..)

This will be ECCIE members only, so don't spread this around, lol. Give me some ideas, do I make a list of those attending, and check it twice? lol

Do we want or need name badges?

I've never done this kind of thing before, ( I have been to 2 socials in SA years ago) so, please get back to me with any ideas you have....ASAP, so I can make some reservations, get prices...and any ideas you might have.

I rarely go to things like this, as this isn't really my cup of tea, but if we are gonna be in this hobby, we may as well get together and say hey every now and then, lol

ok y'all...clocks a tickin....

call or text me: 806- 786-5646
email me:
YIM me: sam_thirdchild

If you get it together by this weekend, I will be in Lubbock and would love to come
