Karma is a Bitch

Buying and selling pussy is not wrong the government just tryies to make people think its wrong because they can't. Figure out how to get their cut and they never will get to tax ever provider.
Buying and selling pussy is not wrong the government just tryies to make people think its wrong because they can't. Figure out how to get their cut and they never will get to tax ever provider. Originally Posted by Kandy Kelly
Clearly youve never heard of the moonlite bunny ranch or other legal brothels in nevada.
Buying or selling pussy is the only thing left that makes this country worth living in, because it has otherwise gone to shit!
Wheretonow's Avatar
There's a movie where an English woman in India can't decide whether to go on a train trip or not. A Buddist tells her, "Whether you go or whether you stay the result will be the same." That's karma.
Sounds like preaching to me....

Hey Jesus...my bad. Can I get back to you on that?

Or...uh....should I expect a visit from that Karma bitch soon or what?
Bloodhound's Avatar
Just call me "The Karma Bitch"
PODarkness's Avatar
I'm here because I like pussy that doesn't require me to give half my stuff away. It is wrong to buy and sell pussy, and I am wrong for buying pussy, so I will have to suffer the consequences. Originally Posted by shizzle10
Let's start with the basics. Why do you think it's wrong to sell pussy? Why do you think it's wrong to buy it? Are these religious reasons? Moral reasons? Economic reasons? Personal reasons?
Wheretonow's Avatar
1 : not according to the moral standard : sinful, immoral <thought that war was wrong>
2 : not right or proper according to a code, standard, or convention : improper <it was wrong not to thank your host>
3 : not according to truth or facts : incorrect <gave a wrong date>
4 : not satisfactory (as in condition, results, health, or temper)
5 : not in accordance with one's needs, intent, or expectations <took the wrong bus>
6 : of, relating to, or constituting the side of something that is usually held to be opposite to the principal one, that is the one naturally or by design turned down, inward, or away, or that is the least finished or polished.

or you could go with this:
Morality can also be seen as the collection of beliefs as to what constitutes a good life. Since throughout most of human history, religions have provided both visions and regulations for an ideal life, morality is often confused with religious precepts. In secular communities, lifestyle choices, which represent an individual's conception of the good life, are often discussed in terms of "morality." Individuals sometimes feel that making an appropriate lifestyle choice invokes a true morality, and that accepted codes of conduct within their chosen community are fundamentally moral, even when such codes deviate from more general social principles.
Int3rested's Avatar
Wheretonow's Avatar
There are few things worse than trolls. Posting idiotic "don't feed the trolls" posts is one of them.
hwygnome's Avatar
With Karma being called a bitch so often, its a wonder she isn't madder than she is already.

If karma is real, then you're definitely going to be dyslexic in your next life for your crimes against grammar.

And if you already are and that's the problem, then I probably will be in mine for making this joke.
PODarkness's Avatar
.1. If your a married man and going out buying pussy and you wife or girl friend is at home where's Karma.
2. If your a provider and you have a SO and your taking money for pussy where's Karma.
3. If your a provider and taking money for pussy and you know or pretty sure the client your with is married or has a SO where's Karma.
4. If your a provider just selling pussy where's Karma.
Numbers one n two come down to being dishonest with, and taking advantage of, someone who you are supposed to care about. It could be done a hundred ways, and the hobby is one of them. It's the being dishonest and taking advantage that are wrong, but many people see things only in concrete terms, so the hundred ways get the blame.

Number 3 implies we are our brother's keeper, and must run our businesses for the benefit of our customer's karma. I'm not buying it, because it can not be done.

When you get a hotel room, should the hotel call to make sure your wife knows you are there? That the woman you are with is your wife? Should condoms only be sold to married people with a doctors ok?

I have a hard enough time keeping a positive ballance with my own karma. You want me to police everyone else? *Like I said, "I'm not buying it".

Number 4
Took ya four tries to get to it, but you finally spit it out. You think there is something immortal about selling pussy, all by itself.
I don't want to hear about sex slaves n pimps. That is not what we are talking about. I don't want to hear about SOs either. That's not the issue at hand in #4.
Give me a good reason to think badly of women who sell pussy, without adding other issues... If you can.

Guest your account, put away the computer, go home to your wife, worry about karma, and let us sinners continue to enjoy the commerce between us. It's good karma.
Stealthguy's Avatar
Wheretonow: Your 9:21 PM on 10/11 leads me to believe you are a lawyer. Your 10:35 PM posting that same evening leads me to believe you just might be the "EXCEPTION" that proves the rule, "Life is best when all lawyers are located at the bottom of the deepest ocean".

TheBizz: You definitely have a complex, ironic since of humor ... I like it.

PODarkness: Are you related to Wheretonow? He sounds like a research attorney, you sound like a trial attorney.

No offence intended, guys, I'm just enjoying the banter and pitching in my thoughts.

LADIES: (Providers) a serious question, semantics aside; is there anything about your activities in this business that bothers your conscience? I know that's a loaded question you probably don't want to answer here but feel free to PM a response.

And before anyone asks, no, I'm not LE, psychologist, psychrist or assistant to any of the above. I'm a computer operator/programmer/analyst and have been since 1966.
I’m just trying to find out if how close these machines are to catching up with us flawed-but-struggling humans.
Have fun and be safe, everyone.