Why I should vote for Mrs. Hillary Clinton.

  • shanm
  • 04-05-2015, 04:35 PM
Yes it is a valid reason if you have neither a brain nor a spine.

I don't give a crap that Hillary is a woman. I don't base my vote on whether a candidate has the same naughty parts as me. My standards are a little bit higher than that.

I also wouldn't give a crap if Hillary had been the greatest SOS in American History. Saying she did a decent job right up until she sat by an allowed one our ambassador's to get killed and right up until she blatantly broke the law is like saying that well, Bernie Madoff SEEMED like a good guy right up until he got caught ripping off billions, or that well, Michael Vick was a pretty good QB until he got caught torturing and killing dogs for money.

The fact that the best endorsement you can make for her is that she had a "decent" track record just makes you and Assup all the more pathetic. You can't even bring yourself to admit she is a fraud, an incompetent, and a moron. How's that "re-set button" from Staples working out for us with Russia? How's that apology tour she did in Mexico working out for us?

The truth is, she accomplished NOTHING as SOS. There are NO accomplishments, decent or otherwise, that you can point to as her legacy of success, but we can sure as hell point to her massive screw ups, and her blatant criminal actions. You DO realize that Petraeus was just convicted of the very behavior Hillary just rubbed in the nation's face, right? Mishandling of classified information by Petraeus = crucify him. Mishandling of classified information by Hillary = no worries, she was decent enough, so I will vote for her anyways.

PS. Do NOT insult our intelligence by trying to pretend that she somehow miraculously never discussed ANY classified information through email throughout her time as SOS.

I knew your IQ was less than impressive. It would appear though, that it may actually be in the negatives. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Says the toothless whore whose only "accomplishment" in life is having more dicks in her than brain cells.

Listen bitch, you don't know much about me, other than that I post on a SHMB. I, on the other hand, know quite a bit about you. Mostly, that you are an ignorant slut whose livelihood depends on how many dicks she sucked that day. It's clear that you didn't turn down multiple med school offers to end up here, so let's leave the "IQ" talks off the table.

I replied to you without a single insult levied your way. It's clear from the way you replied that you don't have a single substantive thought to offer, and therefore had to resort to childish name-calling.

Honestly, you look like Gollum from lord of the rings. I can not believe that anyone would pay to fuck you. Your face looks like the doctors forgot to cut off some of the cunt cheese when you came out of your mothers belly.
You say you're 41 in your show case. What the FUCK happened? You're a prime example of the dangers of inbreeding. Not only are you ugly as fuck, you are also dumb as shit. You might have only three brain cells left and it seems that they are all fighting for attention, as evidenced by your incoherent rambling in the post above.

In the future, if you can't reply with a shred of decency, don't bother at all. There's plenty of shit-tossers around here without your amateur self.
  • shanm
  • 04-05-2015, 04:37 PM
Hans Christian Andersen : The Emperor's New Clothes Originally Posted by LexusLover
That's actually a pretty decent response, for once...
Once your ban is over, are you going to post under your usual handle shamwow?
  • shanm
  • 04-05-2015, 05:24 PM
Once your ban is over, are you going to post under your usual handle shamwow? Originally Posted by gnadfly
The bitch started it. I don't see "calling shit for what it is" listed under forbidden topic. If I get banned for it....what the fuck ever.
Just give me a reason why I should. If you are planning to vote for her and if you can convince me ...I'll vote for her too!

So....besides being a woman...what else does she have going for her? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
She's not any of your clown-posse candidates?
Says the toothless whore whose only "accomplishment" in life is having more dicks in her than brain cells.

Listen bitch, you don't know much about me, other than that I post on a SHMB. I, on the other hand, know quite a bit about you. Mostly, that you are an ignorant slut whose livelihood depends on how many dicks she sucked that day. It's clear that you didn't turn down multiple med school offers to end up here, so let's leave the "IQ" talks off the table.

I replied to you without a single insult levied your way. It's clear from the way you replied that you don't have a single substantive thought to offer, and therefore had to resort to childish name-calling.

Honestly, you look like Gollum from lord of the rings. I can not believe that anyone would pay to fuck you. Your face looks like the doctors forgot to cut off some of the cunt cheese when you came out of your mothers belly.
You say you're 41 in your show case. What the FUCK happened? You're a prime example of the dangers of inbreeding. Not only are you ugly as fuck, you are also dumb as shit. You might have only three brain cells left and it seems that they are all fighting for attention, as evidenced by your incoherent rambling in the post above.

In the future, if you can't reply with a shred of decency, don't bother at all. There's plenty of shit-tossers around here without your amateur self. Originally Posted by shanm
Holy shit!!!!! ROFL this has to be one of the funniest posts I've ever read on here. Note to mods: No need for a ban or even points on my account. This was perfectly entertaining all on its own, so there is no need to dampen it with tit for tat or points.

Hot damn! Now THIS is how you hit a nerve folks! Good on me! Your response though, isn't particularly surprising. Supporting a criminal is indefensible, so you had to go with something. A good old ad hominem attack will suffice when better words fail you. I get that. Add in an extra dollop of venom just for shits and grins too.

I do agree with one thing though. For your sake, we should probably leave the IQ pissing contest out of it. Besides, you can pee standing up (presumably), while I can't.

But don't flatter yourself that you know me. Toodles.
  • DSK
  • 04-05-2015, 07:44 PM
Says the toothless whore whose only "accomplishment" in life is having more dicks in her than brain cells.

Listen bitch, you don't know much about me, other than that I post on a SHMB. I, on the other hand, know quite a bit about you. Mostly, that you are an ignorant slut whose livelihood depends on how many dicks she sucked that day. It's clear that you didn't turn down multiple med school offers to end up here, so let's leave the "IQ" talks off the table.

I replied to you without a single insult levied your way. It's clear from the way you replied that you don't have a single substantive thought to offer, and therefore had to resort to childish name-calling.

Honestly, you look like Gollum from lord of the rings. I can not believe that anyone would pay to fuck you. Your face looks like the doctors forgot to cut off some of the cunt cheese when you came out of your mothers belly.
You say you're 41 in your show case. What the FUCK happened? You're a prime example of the dangers of inbreeding. Not only are you ugly as fuck, you are also dumb as shit. You might have only three brain cells left and it seems that they are all fighting for attention, as evidenced by your incoherent rambling in the post above.

In the future, if you can't reply with a shred of decency, don't bother at all. There's plenty of shit-tossers around here without your amateur self. Originally Posted by shanm
I think you deserve to be shot for that post.
I think you deserve to be shot for that post. Originally Posted by DSK
Nah. This board is rough and tumble. I don't deserve special treatment just because I'm a chick. Let him say what he wants. I'm more libertarian than strict conservative, so I'm all about free speech in all of its forms. Don't worry sugar. I'm a big girl. I can take it
  • shanm
  • 04-05-2015, 08:32 PM
A good old ad hominem attack will suffice when better words fail you. I get that. Add in an extra dollop of venom just for shits and grins too. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
hmmm let's go by facts, shall we?
Ad hominem, you say? let's see who "ad hominem"-ed first.
Yes it is a valid reason if you have neither a brain nor a spine. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

makes you and Assup all the more pathetic. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

I knew your IQ was less than impressive. It would appear though, that it may actually be in the negatives. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
That was your response to my post in which I did not directly insult you even once.
Hmmm, so, by your own admission then, an " ad hominem attack will suffice when better words fail you".....? So you had nothing of substance to contribute and therefore had to resort to (amateurish) insults.....am I reading this right?

I do agree with one thing though. For your sake, we should probably leave the IQ pissing contest out of it. Besides, you can pee standing up (presumably), while I can't.
But don't flatter yourself that you know me. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Correct. Save yourself the embarrassment. No one here is going to believe that you're working on the cure for cancer on your day off.

I think you deserve to be shot for that post. Originally Posted by DSK
Shut the fuck up
  • shanm
  • 04-05-2015, 08:38 PM
Nah. This board is rough and tumble. I don't deserve special treatment just because I'm a chick. Let him say what he wants. I'm more libertarian than strict conservative, so I'm all about free speech in all of its forms. Don't worry sugar. I'm a big girl. I can take it Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Don't worry, your pussy whipped hound dogs will be along soon to take care of that! They're a little busy atm, paying homage to someone who died and came back three days later.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I think you deserve to be shot for that post. Originally Posted by DSK
He'll be the first to call someone else a sexist.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
ShamWow, somewhere there is a tree busily providing you oxygen to breath. You owe it an apology. Of all the classless, moronic posts that have been posted here, yours, by far, has exceeded even the very relaxed moral boundaries we have. You are a worthless piece of shit, WPF. I hope your ban is for life.
  • shanm
  • 04-06-2015, 12:07 AM
ShamWow, somewhere there is a tree busily providing you oxygen to breath. You owe it an apology. Of all the classless, moronic posts that have been posted here, yours, by far, has exceeded even the very relaxed moral boundaries we have. You are a worthless piece of shit, WPF. I hope your ban is for life. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And since when have I (or anyone, for that matter) given a flying fuck about your opinion?
  • shanm
  • 04-06-2015, 12:14 AM
He'll be the first to call someone else a sexist. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Damn straight, I would.

But there wasn't a shred of it in my post. I replied to her the way I would reply to anyone....Equality works both ways.
If you're looking for sexists just consider all these pussies jumping to protect her. Must be her lady parts. They're probably looking for $50 off coupon. It'll let them cum on a stranger's face right before they get all high and mighty about "sexism" and "gender discrimination" on a hooker board.
If she happens to get pregnant though....well she's SOL. "It's your body, we'll tell you what to do with it."
LexusLover's Avatar
In the future, if you can't reply with a shred of decency, don't bother at all. There's plenty of shit-tossers around here without your amateur self. Originally Posted by shanm
^^^^^^"Says the toothless whore whose only "accomplishment" in life is having more dicks in his head than brain cells."*


You, Shammooo, are an ill-breed, mentally stunted, self-absorbed child.