Hotel concierge.

Still Looking's Avatar
I'm currently, as I type, in a casino hotel. It's the first time I've stayed in a hotel nice enough to have a concierge since I've started hobby-ing. And I've always wanted, yet never have, wanted to call a concierge, tell them I want something arranged, and have it be done for me. Ya know, to feel important and junk.

Then the two thoughts crossed. Surely concierges get asked about escorts, whether discretely or less so, but common sense says that they'd never oblige you. With the obvious worries about anonymity aside, how would one try it? Has anyone ever tried it successfully? Or hilariously unsuccessfully?

I doubt I'd ever go for it as I'd want remain anonymous and choose my own date rather than leave it to chance, but I'm just curious. Originally Posted by LangdonAlger
In Las Vegas (Casinos), traditionally it was the Bell Captain who made these type of arrangements.

They've picked up packages I've ordered from stores that offer in-store pickup before I check in, and have had flowers and candles around the room the way I ask in certain places I visit. It's wonderful having concierge service. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
You are one classy lady TJ!
Just tell him you are looking for a guest that might be staying there...last name H-O-O-K-E-R.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Bubba you are too funny...
I worked as a concierge/guest services manager for years and the we could get you anything as long as it was legal. The only one that got a free pass was Bill Clinton