A Patriot stands up

  • shanm
  • 04-19-2015, 08:12 PM
Yes, fuck free speech, no matter how much you disagree with it... Originally Posted by WombRaider
I just don't see the point of them doing that though. Haven't been able to find anything
RedLeg505's Avatar
Free speech doesn't allow you to attack someone because they're exercising free speech. How fucking stupid ARE you? Originally Posted by WombRaider
The only person "attacked" that I saw in that whole clip was the Veteran being "attacked" by the police. What attack did you see?
The only person "attacked" that I saw in that whole clip was the Veteran being "attacked" by the police. What attack did you see? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
If you feel he was attacked, why did you put it in parentheses? That generally denotes a lack of conviction about whatever is placed within.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Free speech allows one person to verbally attack another who is exercising their right to free speech. It does NOT allow the government to restrict what speech is allowed. I oppose flag burning, but in a political context, it's free speech and not subject to restrictions by government, except time, place and manner as necessary for safety. The government can restrict flag burning at gas pumps, but that's not a content based restriction.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Free speech doesn't allow you to attack someone because they're exercising free speech. How fucking stupid ARE you? Originally Posted by WombRaider

Okay, we've firmly established that you did not watch the video and you're just shooting off your ignorant mouth again. Ms (that means she's female you transgender bitch) Manhart did not attack anyone. Nor did she call anyone foul names. Nor did she threaten anyone. She was verbally assaulted (that's assault), she was threatened (that's making threats), and she was grabbed, forced to her knees and cuffed (or what you probably call Saturday night). The police are not in charge of free speech or even what constitutes free speech. They are to worry about crime and what the students were doing was a crime.
President William J. McKinney should investigate what these students are being taught about history, the Constitution, and political science. Failing to do that, McKinney should be removed from office (but it looks like he is already on the way out) by the Board of Regents.
Okay, we've firmly established that you did not watch the video and you're just shooting off your ignorant mouth again. Ms (that means she's female you transgender bitch) Manhart did not attack anyone. Nor did she call anyone foul names. Nor did she threaten anyone. She was verbally assaulted (that's assault), she was threatened (that's making threats), and she was grabbed, forced to her knees and cuffed (or what you probably call Saturday night). The police are not in charge of free speech or even what constitutes free speech. They are to worry about crime and what the students were doing was a crime.
President William J. McKinney should investigate what these students are being taught about history, the Constitution, and political science. Failing to do that, McKinney should be removed from office (but it looks like he is already on the way out) by the Board of Regents. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
They were practicing free speech. Flag burning and desecrating is protected free speech. You might not agree with it, but it is. To go and try to snatch the flag away is a provocative act and did she think she was just going to get away with it?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So much for the free speech of Ms. Manhart. I guess free speech only applies to those you agree with you flag burning piece of shit. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Now who can argue with that... JDIdiot shows his depth of understanding and innate intelligence yet again.

Why does he insist on portraying himself as a man of letters ... OK, maybe THESE letters: I-D-I-O-T!

Why don't you just put EVERYBODY on IGNORE, you lying, anti-American sack of shit? Then you won't have to disagree with people who exercise their rights as free Americans.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I thought she was a he according to you baby killer. Free speech? It is still the law that you can't do it. Care to prove how many of those idiots were actually thinking about free speech. That video doesn't make that case.
  • shanm
  • 04-20-2015, 09:23 AM
Given the fact that she was ignoring the officer's "orders" and resisting arrest, I am surprised he didn't shoot her..

Sound familiar?
RedLeg505's Avatar
If you feel he was attacked, why did you put it in parentheses? That generally denotes a lack of conviction about whatever is placed within. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I put the word "attacked" in quotes...because YOU used the word attacked and I didn't see any attack so I questioned your use of that word. And yes, I have no conviction that YOUR claim of an attack was valid. Got any place in that video where you believe the vet "attacked" anyone??
RedLeg505's Avatar
Given the fact that she was ignoring the officer's "orders" and resisting arrest, I am surprised he didn't shoot her..

Sound familiar? Originally Posted by shanm
Perhaps the FACT that she did not physically assault or try and take the gun from any of the officers... which is what Michael Brown did, might be a factor in why Brown was shot and she wasn't? Or is this where you try and claim it was because he was black and she was white?? As per your usual racist diatribes??
I thought she was a he according to you baby killer. Free speech? It is still the law that you can't do it. Care to prove how many of those idiots were actually thinking about free speech. That video doesn't make that case. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Why do you keep saying this? It's protected free speech.

"flag burning or desecrating is protected free speech, meaning you can't be jailed for such an act"
chefnerd's Avatar
I can't tell you how many years ago it was but I remember seeing an activist (they used to call them shitheads) going out on a baseball field in the middle of a game. He was trying to set fire to an American flag and an outfielder streaked in and grabbed up the flag. The whole crowd cheered as the shithead was taken into custody.

Oh, there it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZzeEaBHUBM Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The outfielder was Rick Monday of the Cubs (and later the Dodgers) and it was in April of 1976 in Los Angeles. And yeah, it was great to watch.
  • DSK
  • 04-20-2015, 06:46 PM
Now who can argue with that... JDIdiot shows his depth of understanding and innate intelligence yet again.

Why does he insist on portraying himself as a man of letters ... OK, maybe THESE letters: I-D-I-O-T!

Why don't you just put EVERYBODY on IGNORE, you lying, anti-American sack of shit? Then you won't have to disagree with people who exercise their rights as free Americans.

Yow! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You call someone who opposes the burning of the US flag an anti-American sack of shit - how twisted is that?
You call someone who opposes the burning of the US flag an anti-American sack of shit - how twisted is that? Originally Posted by DSK
Seeing as how the burning of the flag is protected free speech, then yeah, it makes perfect sense. You can be against it all you want, but it is a first amendment right, protected and decided by SCOTUS.