To Make Up or Not ?

I agree with Ed. The scent of makeup, lotions or creams has been the downfall of married clients...

The clean, natural smell of a freshly loved lady is the ultimate pleasure in my mind...

Just sayin'

Abe Normal's Avatar

I absolutely HATE false eyelashes, bright ( street walker ) lipstick, and tons of makeup.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Different looks suit different ladies, it depends on the genre of service etc. My muse who allows me to photograph her when I have opportunity
wears a significant amount of eye make up tastefully applied. This suits her theatrical presence and her genre of service to a "T".

Lindsey just isn't the girl next door.
naturall definately!
roscoe14850's Avatar
More natural. I'm single so no SO issues but makeup can get everywhere in a spirited session; a little lipstick getting on the jimmy can be a turn-on tho!

Here's a little trivia- Bright red lipstick was worn by street providers in 18th century London so when they were giving a blowjob it looked more like the penis was going in a vagina ( you have to remember health and hygiene issues were poor back then and street providers were often gaunt & pale)
I only wear a bit of eyeshadow (neutral colors), a tiny bit of black eyeliner on top lid, a tiny bit of blush, and cherry chapstick. Mostly because I don't wear makeup in real life and more than that just feels weird on my face. I still get requests for none lol.
ICU 812's Avatar
I like nat/cas . . .but nice. I present in pressed slacks and a nice golf shirt, a step down from business casual. I like a provider to dress well enough to (hypothetically) get lunch in the hotel restaurant without comment.