Schiff vows lawsuit for Mueller report if it's not released

Munchmasterman's Avatar
No he isn't. He can't. his only shot is a lawsuit of dubious merit. What's his rationale? "the people need to know"? The Supreme Court will eat Schiff's lunch and block it.Like it or not, the DOJ calls the ball on what gets released, not Congress. they can't do shit about it.

if there are no charges, there will be no report, because there will be nothing to report.

Schiff was a lawyer. if he's talking lawsuit he already knows Congress has ZERO constitutional authority to usurp the DOJ's role as a separate branch ultimately under the Executive branch.

Hail to the Chief!!

BAHHAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You're not a lawyer...or really much of anything in this area. I'm not going to argue the legality of any of this.

You talk about Mueller being thrown under the bus by Schiff. Your analysis is completely wrong.
Deal with it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You're not a lawyer...or really much of anything in this area. I'm not going to argue the legality of any of this.

You talk about Mueller being thrown under the bus by Schiff. Your analysis is completely wrong.
Deal with it.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

please don't chase the pee pee unicorn, ok?
You mean like Benghazi investigation money was repaid? How many of those were there?
How many indictments resulted from those republican investigations?
Never mind. I know you don't know.
Just kidding you. I didn't mean to push your face in the shit of selective memory or your misunderstanding of how these things work.
An investigation is done to see if there is a reason to indict.
How many Benghazi investigations without an indictment?
Oh I already asked you that.
Have you looked it up yet?

We all know you're just guessing about your conclusions. We'll all find out when we find out if trump is indicted.
And since you seem to know less than many people about this process, that is just more evidence you're just guessing
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
That investigation isn't over much as you and Hellary hoped...
How many links would you like to the denial of ALL the left wing rags that say...even if Mulehead comes back with nothing...there needs to be a further investigation...THEY"RE STAKING THEIR COMPLETE EXISTENCE ON THIS!!
Even a bi-partisan Senate committee said this is a nothing burger!!
You keep wishing chump!!
FrankZappa's Avatar
Trump fired Jeff Sessions because Sessions recused himself. Trump then appointed acting AG Mathew Whitaker who said how he would kill the investigation. Barr the new confirmed AG also said that Trump should not be investigated.

Trump put in 2 patsy's and fired everyone he could that was investigating him. Mueller and Comey as well as Rosenstein are life long Republicans. Trump told his base that they are democrats and his base believes it . He also calls any journalism that reports on his ties to Russia as fake news. He says that every USA intelligence agency is fake .

Bottom line, the Democrats will need to subpoena Mueller to get the report so the American people can see how our nation is being controlled by Russia. It is sad that Trumps followers just believe every line of bullshit that Trump says.
Bottom line, the Democrats will need to subpoena Mueller to get the report so the American people can see how our nation is being controlled by Russia. It is sad that Trumps followers just believe every line of bullshit that Trump says. Originally Posted by FrankZappa

Cryin' shame HilLIARy didn't win when all the chips were on the table, huh?

No doubt, with the lyin, sexual-predator enabling c*nt in the Oval Office today we'd have nary a spoken word by the corrupt liberal media of any "Russian control / collusion", right....?

rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^yep This report is NOTHING , 21/2 years millions and nothing ( oh yeah now its a probe )
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Adam Schiff: The Jussie Smollett of Trump-Russia Collusion

Schiff has been in on the phony Trump-Russia collusion ruse since the beginning. As the narrative first took shape during the Democratic National Convention in the final week of July 2016—while party leaders desperately scrambled to mitigate the fallout of hacked emails showing a rigged system designed to help boost Hillary Clinton over Senator Bernie Sanders—Schiff skillfully helped to change the subject to Russia...

From that point forward, Schiff weaseled his way onto the public stage and became the media’s go-to mouthpiece for yarns about Trump-Russia election collusion. A few weeks later, on August 12, Schiff appeared on CNN and claimed that the Russians “certainly have a very strong interest in seeing Donald Trump be the next president, given all the admiring statements he’s made of Putin.”

After the election, Schiff, with the help of corrupt law enforcement officials and partisans on both sides who were traumatized by Trump’s victory, expanded his con job by insisting the new president won because he was in cahoots with Vladimir Putin.

But some of Schiff’s colleagues now are raising questions about Schiff’s own misconduct. Dare we call it collusion? House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has posed several questions about Schiff’s relationship with Glenn Simpson—the owner of Fusion GPS, the firm that produced the infamous Steele dossier—after it was recently revealed that Schiff and Simpson were seen in public together last summer. McCarthy further suggested Schiff should step down as House Intelligence Committee chairman based on his various conflicts.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Maybe Trump’s “second amendment people” will spring into action.... again
rexdutchman's Avatar
Deflection Alert ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Deflection from what?

Schiff is right.

The Starr Report was made available to the public.

The public paid for Mueller’s investigation. Trump didn’t.

It’s. Fucking. Ours.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Maybe Trump’s “second amendment people” will spring into action.... again

"has nothing to do with post on schiffy " keep trying
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-25-2019, 10:17 AM
When will Trump be charged with that...DO TELL!!
When Trump is not indited will the left reimburse the wasted tax payer monies?? Originally Posted by bb1961
With Manafort fines and forfeitures...the investigation will probably make money.

You need to try and keep up.

how many Benghazi investigations were there... how much money was many convictions are even indictments were produced... and how many times did you ask for the taxpayers to be refunded on that BS?
FrankZappa's Avatar
Cryin' shame HilLIARy didn't win when all the chips were on the table, huh?

No doubt, with the lyin, sexual-predator enabling c*nt in the Oval Office today we'd have nary a spoken word by the corrupt liberal media of any "Russian control / collusion", right....?

Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Has nothing to do with Hillary. She was secretary of state and that was her job to talk to our enemies. When you don't like the news you manufacture your own . Like they do on Fox and Breitbart. Right wingers hate facts and science.
FrankZappa's Avatar
Adam Schiff: The Jussie Smollett of Trump-Russia Collusion

Schiff has been in on the phony Trump-Russia collusion ruse since the beginning. As the narrative first took shape during the Democratic National Convention in the final week of July 2016—while party leaders desperately scrambled to mitigate the fallout of hacked emails showing a rigged system designed to help boost Hillary Clinton over Senator Bernie Sanders—Schiff skillfully helped to change the subject to Russia...

From that point forward, Schiff weaseled his way onto the public stage and became the media’s go-to mouthpiece for yarns about Trump-Russia election collusion. A few weeks later, on August 12, Schiff appeared on CNN and claimed that the Russians “certainly have a very strong interest in seeing Donald Trump be the next president, given all the admiring statements he’s made of Putin.”

After the election, Schiff, with the help of corrupt law enforcement officials and partisans on both sides who were traumatized by Trump’s victory, expanded his con job by insisting the new president won because he was in cahoots with Vladimir Putin.

But some of Schiff’s colleagues now are raising questions about Schiff’s own misconduct. Dare we call it collusion? House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has posed several questions about Schiff’s relationship with Glenn Simpson—the owner of Fusion GPS, the firm that produced the infamous Steele dossier—after it was recently revealed that Schiff and Simpson were seen in public together last summer. McCarthy further suggested Schiff should step down as House Intelligence Committee chairman based on his various conflicts. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Like I said, when you can't think for yourself or you don't like the news you say it is fake or rely on infowars or some freaky website to get your news. This is pathetic.
FrankZappa's Avatar
Maybe Trump’s “second amendment people” will spring into action.... again

"has nothing to do with post on schiffy " keep trying Originally Posted by rexdutchman
They keep coming. Look at the Coast Guard Lieutenant. He was going to go after all of the journalists and create a white homeland. Trump wont say anything bad about him because these are his people.